Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 5:40 a.m. No.14282822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2844



(Please read from the start)


Before going to the next armor I want to take a quick look at the Scorpion Egyptian goddess Serket:


“Serket /ˈsɜːrˌkɛt/ (also known as Serqet, Selket, Selqet, or Selcis) is the goddess of fertility, nature, animals, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites in Egyptian mythology, originally the deification of the scorpion. Her family life is unknown, but she is sometimes credited as the daughter of Neith and Khnum, making her a sister to Sobek and Apep.”


>> It’s said very clearly here, Serket is the denitrification of the Scorpion. This is a very good example to show anons how things and animals were depicted symbolically and given different shapes than what we know them to be nowadays = things aren’t to be taken literally = as they are, not all the time. We should pay attention and discern between the symbolic representation and the realistic one.


Sobek and Apep were both reptiles = one is a crocodile while the second is a serpent. We already know that Scorpions protected Isis when she was fleeing from Seth’s wrath as I mentioned many times before. And it’s already been established that Neith is the oldest form of Isis/Hathor/Baalat of Gebal: this was also explained. So the Scorpion is connected to both Neith and Isis. It all fits perfectly.


“Scorpion stings lead to paralysis and Serket's name describes this, as it means "(she who) tightens the throat"; however, Serket's name also can be read as meaning "(she who) causes the throat to breathe", and so, as well as being seen as stinging the unrighteous, Serket was seen as one who could cure scorpion stings and the effects of other venoms such as snakebites.”


>> Read my comments in previous page about poison ability of Horned Serpent and the possibilities.


“One of the most dangerous species of scorpion, the Deathstalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus) resides in North Africa, and its sting may kill, so Serket was considered a highly important goddess, and sometimes she was considered by pharaohs to be their patron. Her close association with the early rulers implies that she was their protector, notably Scorpion I and Scorpion II.”


>> We’ve already seen these artifacts.


“As the protector against venom and snakebite, Serket often was said to protect the deities from Apep, the great snake-demon of evil, sometimes being depicted as the guard when Apep was captured.”


>> See how tricky this is? One moment they tell us she’s sister of Apep and Sobek and her poisonous ability is equal to that of a Serpent = making her look like a bad person. Then next, they tell us she can cure poison and she protects from Apep = making her look like a good person. So which is it? This dual image projected by the Scorpion clan has me very confused as to where they stand: with the rightful Kking or with the coup plotters? Of course there is a high possibility there are traitors among the Scorpion clan, but to which percentage. And mostly, did the head of the Scorpion clan side with the coup plotters? Was he one of them, one of the 72? I don’t know. The picture is still unclear for me.


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Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 5:44 a.m. No.14282844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2851



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“As many of the venomous creatures of Egypt could prove fatal, Serket also was considered a protector of the dead, particularly being associated with venoms and fluids causing stiffening. She was thus said to be the protector of the tents of embalmers, and of the canopic jar associated with venom—the jar of the intestine—which was deified later as Qebehsenuef, one of the four sons of Horus, who were her sons by one of the two Horuses (Heru-pa-khered (Horus the Younger) or Her-ur (Horus the Elder)).”


>> So I was right all along: Poison can cause stiffness = petrification.


“As the guard of one of the canopic jars and a protector, Serket gained a strong association with Neith, Isis, and Nephthys, who also performed similar functions. Eventually, Serket began to be identified with Isis, sharing imagery and parentage, until finally, Serket was said to be merely an aspect of Isis, whose cult had become dominant.”


>> This is what I was saying in the previous page.


“It has been suggested that Serket's identification with a scorpion may be a misinterpretation of the determinative of her name and animal associated with her, and that could refer not to a scorpion, but rather to a water scorpion (Nepidae). According to this hypothesis, Serket is referred to as "she who gives breath" because of the way water scorpions seem to breathe underwater. The appearance of a waterscorpion must have made it be associated with the scorpion, therefore the use of the goddess for curing scorpion stings and other venomous creatures, or maybe exactly because she "causes to breathe", not for the physical similarities of the creatures.”


>> So there is room for misinterpretation.


“In popular culture


• In the webcomic Homestuck of MS Paint Adventures, Vriska Serket is a troll who brings about life in a new universe, causes many deaths, and is associated with scorpions.

• Serqet is one of the playable characters in Hi-rez MOBA, SMITE and acts out as a melee assassin.

• In Call of Duty: Black Ops IV, Serket is alluded to in the Chaos branch of the storyline, which is heavily mythology driven. Serket is mentioned in the map IX, which takes place in a Roman coliseum, where she presents the character with a scorpion that can be used to extract the sap of a tree in Danu's temple to then poison the mystery box of weapons and guarantee the receipt of the map's wonder weapon. The wonder weapon takes the form of a chained scorpion that shoots a bolt of light to trap and suspend zombies. It is known as the Death of Orion initially, but can be upgraded to the more powerful Serket's Kiss.”


>> Take a look at the last point “In popular culture” section. Interesting idea about the Scorpion’s tail turning into a chain that “shoots a bolt of light”. And what do you think about “Death of Orion” words put that way together? What is this “powerful kiss” Serket had? Was it the poisonous kiss of the death? Loads to think about. This is where I’m going to stop for the Scorpion for now.


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Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 5:47 a.m. No.14282851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2861



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3 – The Spider Symbol: We’ve seen the Spider before in this thread and it was mentioned before as being a possible armor of a vassal Clan. We’ve seen with the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan (starting page 294), she was a giant, remember that? We’ve also seen the Spider in the Andean Region with the Cupisnique culture (starting page 434) and the Nazca Spider Geoglyph (picture in page 424). We’ve also seen the walls of the temple of the Moon in Trujillo – Moche Culture, covered with the colorful design of spiders (page 437).


In Ancient Egypt, we’ve already seen the Spider associated with Neith (page 1 019), mostly the weaving aspect – anons shouldn’t forget how Neith and Isis are linked. I guess the spider really projects the image of spinner and weaver just like Neith weaves the destiny and fate of people.


In Mesopotamia, we have a strange tale of Uttu which was made drunk then raped by Enki. The tale also suggests incest as Enki was considered her father in some versions. If anons are interested in reading:


It’s hard to understand the Mesopotamian (Sumerian) deities. I mean take Enki/Ea…in one myth he appears he is plotting with others to kill all mankind but then divulges the plans and saves humanity from extinction. And here, he practices incest, intoxicates with alcohol his “supposed” daughter, then rapes her. We have 3 images projected of Enki: sometimes he is good, sometimes he is bad and sometimes he starts bad then repents and does good. It’s hard to draw clear lines with Mesopotamian deities. It’s easier to do it in Ancient Egypt.


The common points in all of the spiders worldwide (sor far) is that there aren’t that many of them = their number are a few; and they are all ladies = females. They also are NO warriors = NOT fighters. But then, what are they? The Spider is the heraldic symbol of what exactly? I don’t have much to go with them, but it seems they are somehow linked to the Queen of queens.


So I’m wondering if this clan is not her vassals. Or maybe they are like the Aquatic Healers = some type of sub-group with a specific function and in this case, attached to the Queen of queen, not the King of kings. What is their special specific function then?


I think it’s linked to the Weaving, but in a symbolic way. I don’t think the weaving should be taken literally here = they are not producing textile or threads here. I think this refers to the ability of “seeing” and changing FATE. I’m seeing it more as in this is a group of ladies which had the ability to see the possibilities of the future, make prophecies. I think we should see them as Oracles.


If we follow the same pattern of thoughts that the King of king was the head of the Aquatic Spiritual Healers and He, Himself had the ability to Heal through the Spirit – then we reach the same point with Neith and the Spider. With her ability to see and change FATE, Neith was the head of the Spider Oracle ladies/priestesses. I think these “gifts”/abilities are super rare and not just anyone has them – I’m talking about the abilities of both the King and the Queen. In turn, this is leading me to believe that all Sebetti rulers, all 7 of them, had ONE special, specific ability that none other had. I wonder what the special abilities of the other 5 Sebetti rulers are.


Of course, I will leave the door ajar for rectification and this is not set in stone. I’m lacking information and this is just the impression I get with what I’ve got so far. The Spider, the Aquatic Healers and the Scorpion…I need to gather more information to be as sure as possible.


This is for the Spider, for now.


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Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 5:51 a.m. No.14282861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2907



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4 – Royal Griffin: We didn’t find any Griffins in Mesoamerica – not that I can remember of.


In the Andean region, we’ve seen plenty of Griffins on terracotas and textiles, mostly with the Tiwanaku culture (pages 475 & 479). It’s like there is a “concentration” of Griffins in that culture. I also said Tiwanaku is a starting point and from there loads of people relocated during different phases and for different reasons – but the starting point was Tiwanaku; in other words, if there are iconographies of Griffins in other cultures from the Andean Region, they originated with the Tiwanaku and was transferred to that culture when people migrated, just as it’s the case with the use of Geoglyphs: it started with Tiwanaku culture, the oldest practice, then as people migrated, it spread to other cultures. So, it’s the same thing with the iconography of Griffins.


We’ve got to combine it to the symbolism behind the Griffin or should I say the symbolism behind the iconography of the Griffin. We know that the Griffin also represents ROYALTY. As in, there is a ROYAL around, or it can be interpreted as in there are Royal Guards around. But the Royal Guards are usually attached to the Royal person they are protecting. So in order for a Royal Guard to exist, there must be at least one member of the Royal Family present to protect, or what reason does the Royal Guard need to be there for? If there are no Royal family members, then the Royal guard becomes a simple guard with no royalty around to protect, right?


Yes anons, I’m saying the concentrated iconography of the Griffin in the Tiwanaku Culture is indicating there was a member of the Royal Family of Atlantis in Tiwanaku. That’s not all: I think it’s one of the Sebettis. And anons have met that royal before in this thread.


When it comes to the Sebettis, we know we have 7 rulers = 5 kings (males) and 2 queens (females). What do we know about each of these rulers so far?


Let’s start with the females rulers:


1 – We have the Queen of queens identified as Neith/Isis/Hathor/Baalat of Gebal = all of these are different forms of her. None of the names mentioned are her real name and is mostly called through her titles and her epithets – it was taboo to say her name out loud. She is the spouse of the King of kings and in the same time she is the Head/Rulers of one of the Sebetti Clans = the Lamassu = Taurus clan = her heraldic animal/symbol. In other words, she was a normal Sebetti = ruler of a clan, in the same time since she is the spouse of the Great King, she became the Queen of queens.


She’s got special powers which enable her to have the ability to “see” and the ability to change Fate. Because of this, she is the head of special specific group of people whom’s symbol is most probably the Spider = the Oracles priestesses. There aren’t that many of them. She is also the head of the Lamassu Clan warriors which were mostly specialized in flying “planes” and they had as the strong point in their armor their horns which emitted some type of Beam or electricity.


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Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 6 a.m. No.14282907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2949



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She is devoted and loyal to her King and she is a mother as well. When her husband was killed, she mourned, thought of protecting “the Crown Prince” = the “legitimate Heir” = her child. She also got furious and fought back against the Coup Plotters. She took charge of the ThunderBirds (=Horus) and probably the other Sebetti clans faithful to the King joined forces under her command to fight back the enemy = the Horned Serpents and the traitors in each Clan. A big number of battles occurred for a long time after the Cataclysm occurred.


She also survived the Cataclysm that engulfed the entire planet. After the end of the Cataclysm we found her in Ancient Egypt. We see A SINGLE Griffin depicted on artifacts dating from pre-dynastic period, mostly. I can name as the best example as the 2 dogs palette, where we can see a battle taking place between the good side and the bad side, represented in a symbolic way through the heraldic animals of each Clan. Some of the vassal clans might have also participated in that battle. On that Palette, only ONE Griffin is depicted, indicating the presence of ONE ROYAL in Ancient Egypt, which amazingly fits perfectly with everything I’ve just summarized about Neith = the Queen of queens.


For some strange reason, the Queen of queens left Ancient Egyptian territory and went to Phoenicia to live for some time in the City-State of Gebal. This happened in pre-dynastic times and it seems it happened even before then; as in it happened in pre-pre-dynastic times. In turn this indicates how old the Phoenician City-States are and how close were their ties with Ancient Egypt. Both LANDS = territories, KNEW whom was Neith…as in both KNEW she was the Queen of queens, the top Queen of Atlantis.


But….there is a mystery here: why did the Queen traveled in the first place? And of all the places to go to, why did she go to the Phoenician City-State of Gebal? In order to her to leave the territory of Ancient Egypt, to go stay somewhere else for some time, means it was either for an important reason, or she was forced to because she was in danger.


As in, she might have been there in an important QUEST/Mission. It was of so big importance, that she, herself = in person, had to travel there. It was not something just anyone could do. If this is the case, then what was so important for her to go there herself? On the other hand, we are in a period where the war for dominance and struggle for power between the ThunberBirds and the Horned Serpents was raging. So, there is a possibility, that the Horned Serpent was getting close and tightening the rope around the Queen = putting her in danger. For the sake of her personal safety, she had to leave for some time Ancient Egyptian territory and returned after that danger was neutralized. These are 2 possibilities and I’m split 50/50 about them.


I hope I haven’t forgotten anything about the Queen of queens, I’m doing this summary out of memory. I would like to point out that I will keep on rectifying (if needed) when and if I found new information about her and the rest of the Sebettis. This is a work in progress.


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Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 6:11 a.m. No.14282949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3017



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2 – We have a second Sebetti queen. From what I’ve gathered about her for now, she always gives this image of being at first a naïve, innocent lady, very young. But then, she was seduced and corrupted by the Evil One and she turned = she became evil herself. I called her many times already as the Evil Lady because of that. I also think she might be a “princess” as in the offspring of the Royal Couple = the King and Queen of Atlantis; as in the daughter of Neith….but it’s not very clear yet. There is an attachment coming out from one of the Evil Couple to the Queen of queens; the sort of attachment only a child could have to their parent.


The Evil Lady also was the head of one of the Sebetti Clans, but I’m unsure if she was the ruler of the Serpent Clan or the ruler of the Antelope Clan. It’s most likely she had a special ability, like every Sebetti had; but so far I don’t know what that Special ability of hers is. She was also at the head of warriors which wore her heraldic animal, her symbol and they had their special type of weapons….but it depends which Clan she was the ruler of….and since that is still undetermined….it’s still not settled. It’s worth to mention that the armor of her warriors merged with the one of the Evil One at some point. This also suggests that both Clans merged their armies together to make them one. Which in turn makes it hard to see clearly which is which and which is where. By that I mean, we can clearly see loads of Antelopes on Ancient Egypt and on the Middle Eastern artifacts but it’s hard to discern which is which in Mesoamerica, Andean Region and with the Native American (so far).


This queen has also a lustful, sexual side to her and she is suspected to have an intimate sexual relationship with the Evil One as in they were lovers. It’s also a fact that she gave birth at least to ONE child, at LEAST ONE. Because we know the Merovingian Bloodline are the direct descendants of this Evil Duo. But this “relationship” was not an approved one but a forbidden one; which is making me suspect incest took place. This couple was the one whom started the “perverted” sexual practices (example: Anuket – page 1 017). This is where it all started and it was with them = All the sexual practices you see the current day Kabbalah do. All the Bloodlines for centuries practiced these same perverted sexual practices and it all originated from before the Cataclysm with this Evil Couple.


This notion was even hinted in a movie called Godzilla: King of Monsters. There is a lot of symbolism in this movie, starting with Godzilla being a giant reptile which can shoot out some type of electrical/ plasma or whatever beam. Then you have King Ghidora which is a puzzle in itself and (((they))) had to bring the alien origin into the mix (face palm). Of course the other “Titans” needs to be checked up as well as “Monarch” and their logo.


Loads going around in this movie series but there are 2 very notable scenes from this one:


1 – Ghidora is facing the Cross. It doesn’t need a genius to understand the real meaning of this.


2 – After being wounded, Godzilla goes to his lair to recover there. We find out that his lair is somewhere in a sunken city belonging to a lost civilization where they are hinting it’s the origin of ALL civilizations. We can see decorative features from all the Ancient cultures and civilizations worldwide, including the Greek and Ancient Egypt etc. We are programed to think automatically of Atlantis when we see an ancient city underwater and this is what they were hinting at in this movie.


As they are showing an overall view of the sunken city, in one of the shots, we can see very clearly the statue of Pazuzu on top of what looks like the roof of a temple. This is to indicate that the “Cult” existed in Atlantis before it sunk. But it’s also misleading you into thinking this was an open cult where everyone went openly to the temple and it was ALL accepted by society.


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Anonymous ID: 5e6e2d Aug. 6, 2021, 6:30 a.m. No.14283017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704



(Please read from the start)


It was NOT accepted and the big war that took place to stop the sacrifice of children (read the many warriors from Ancient Egypt from protected pregnant women and children) after the Cataclysm and to dispose of all the Horned Serpents is PROOF that this “Cult” was NEVER accepted by the Atlanteans, including the Queen of queens whom was the one leading the charge against the Evil One and his followers. This Cult was seen as an abomination by the other Clans and they were right to think that way because it is an abomination.


In this movie, by showing you this Pazuzu statue, (((they))) are giving you half a truth and half a lie. (((They))) are admitting that this horrible cult existed before the Cataclysm, when Atlantis existed = truth. Which in turn means (((they))) knew of this and hid it from us. (((They))) are trying to fool us into believing that this cult was accepted by society and it was openly practiced in front of everyone/ public practice = Lie. The reaction of the other clans and the war that took place after the Cataclysm is PROOF this cult = including the sacrifice of children = pedovores, was NEVER accepted at any time.


I guess this also explains why the Bronze Plaque where Lamashtu is depicted (starting page 960) was called the Plaque of the Hells or the Plaque from Hell (something like that). Just take a good and long look at that bronze plaque, does it look like Hell is represented on it? I didn’t know there were trees in Hell, nor lamps that emits light, nor beds to sleep on….see what I mean? Which makes me wonder why (((they))) gave this name to that bronze Plaque? It’s because that plaque is referring to how it was “before the Cataclysm” for (((them))), at least the 3rd and 4rd registers are = as in living in Atlantis was Hell for (((them))). While the second register is probably showing the death of the King of kings – not a 100 % sure though. While the lower register is showing how Lamashtu came out from the Ark on Mt Ararat and navigated down the Euphrates using the Kuphar to Mesopotamia.


Lamashtu brings me back to the Evil Lady because both seem to have given BIRTH after the Cataclysm occurred. Which brings me back to her forbidden relationship with the Evil One and it makes me wonder what was the forbidden fruit both of them consumed: was it the taboo, incest relationship = sexual, they had and the birth of their child? Or was it them being pedovores? Or was it them trying to play god and trying to create new life like Frankenstein? See how many grave sins these 2 have committed? The crime was so great that even our Heavenly Father Himself couldn’t forgive them.


From the looks of it, it seems that after the Cataclysm, the Evil Lady was somewhere in the Middle East and/or Ancient Egypt. Is this the important reason why Neith had to leave Ancient Egypt for a certain time and go live in Gebal? Was she after the Evil Lady? Or was she fleeing the evil army? I don’t know for sure, these are possibilities for now. I have more suggestions on the way.


We also know that the Evil Lady was the partner in crime of the Evil One. He was the one whom started everything and she was his first “recruit”. He seduced her and turned her to his cause for starters. From there on, they plotted to recruit more and more to their sick, twisted cause, starting with their clans, then going to other clans. They plotted with 72 other main co-conspirators and they planted spies in other clans, turned people from other clans and stole whatever could be useful for them to win. She was most probably promised the spot of Queen of queens by the Evil One.


Well, now we know that both Sebetti ladies were not in the Andean Region but in the Middle East. This means we can eliminate them both as possible candidates for the Sebetti in the Andean Region. Which leaves me with the option of only male Sebettis for that area.


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