(Please read from the start)
Before going to the next armor I want to take a quick look at the Scorpion Egyptian goddess Serket: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serket
“Serket /ˈsɜːrˌkɛt/ (also known as Serqet, Selket, Selqet, or Selcis) is the goddess of fertility, nature, animals, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites in Egyptian mythology, originally the deification of the scorpion. Her family life is unknown, but she is sometimes credited as the daughter of Neith and Khnum, making her a sister to Sobek and Apep.”
>> It’s said very clearly here, Serket is the denitrification of the Scorpion. This is a very good example to show anons how things and animals were depicted symbolically and given different shapes than what we know them to be nowadays = things aren’t to be taken literally = as they are, not all the time. We should pay attention and discern between the symbolic representation and the realistic one.
Sobek and Apep were both reptiles = one is a crocodile while the second is a serpent. We already know that Scorpions protected Isis when she was fleeing from Seth’s wrath as I mentioned many times before. And it’s already been established that Neith is the oldest form of Isis/Hathor/Baalat of Gebal: this was also explained. So the Scorpion is connected to both Neith and Isis. It all fits perfectly.
“Scorpion stings lead to paralysis and Serket's name describes this, as it means "(she who) tightens the throat"; however, Serket's name also can be read as meaning "(she who) causes the throat to breathe", and so, as well as being seen as stinging the unrighteous, Serket was seen as one who could cure scorpion stings and the effects of other venoms such as snakebites.”
>> Read my comments in previous page about poison ability of Horned Serpent and the possibilities.
“One of the most dangerous species of scorpion, the Deathstalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus) resides in North Africa, and its sting may kill, so Serket was considered a highly important goddess, and sometimes she was considered by pharaohs to be their patron. Her close association with the early rulers implies that she was their protector, notably Scorpion I and Scorpion II.”
>> We’ve already seen these artifacts.
“As the protector against venom and snakebite, Serket often was said to protect the deities from Apep, the great snake-demon of evil, sometimes being depicted as the guard when Apep was captured.”
>> See how tricky this is? One moment they tell us she’s sister of Apep and Sobek and her poisonous ability is equal to that of a Serpent = making her look like a bad person. Then next, they tell us she can cure poison and she protects from Apep = making her look like a good person. So which is it? This dual image projected by the Scorpion clan has me very confused as to where they stand: with the rightful Kking or with the coup plotters? Of course there is a high possibility there are traitors among the Scorpion clan, but to which percentage. And mostly, did the head of the Scorpion clan side with the coup plotters? Was he one of them, one of the 72? I don’t know. The picture is still unclear for me.
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