(Please read from the start)
Back to the Epic of Gilgamesh – page 41:
Line 12: Inanna/Ishtar/Lilith/the Evil Lady lamented and cried about the “old days” she had lived = the old life style she lived in Atlantis because now she realized it’s all gone since it’s blown away.
Then listen to this beauty: “I said evil things in the Assembly of the Gods, ordering a catastrophe to destroy my people who fill the sea like fish.” The Assembly of the gods is the high council of Atlantis which I pointed as being similar to what we see in the Black Panther movie – page 1 025. And I’ve also explained loads of things about this Assembly of the Gods when I was talking about Raziel – starting page 1 132. Here, she is admitting her crime of “ordering” to kill everyone and/or plotting to kill everyone. She is admitting that this “catastrophe” = the Cataclysm was “made on purpose” – it was not by coincidence or accident, a mistake – it was part of the plan of the coup plotters to cause loads of damage and harm to everyone. I just talked about it a few paragraphs above.
She is also admitting of saying “evil things” meaning she was spiteful, filled with hate and she spat that hate in the face of the other 5 Sebetti rulers (except of her beloved Evil Lover) whom were in the Assembly. She spat it mostly in the face of the King of kings which she and the Evil One hated to the core. And she also spat it on her mother = the Queen of queens and most probably on the Crown Prince. There was a verbal spat filled with poison and hate in the last meeting of the Assembly of the gods = the High council of Atlantis.
The Evil Lady attended it since she was a Sebetti ruler and most probably the daughter of the Royal Couple. And there, filled with hate and rage towards her parents = her family, she spat out on them her true feelings. I think she loathed mostly her Father and her brother, somewhat her mother. She wanted power and she wanted her relationship with the Evil One to be accepted.
It’s unclear if the other Sebetti rulers knew at this point about her forbidden relationship with the Evil One. One thing for sure, the Evil Couple wanted to be the ultimate ruling duo instead of the Royal Couple. This thirst for power and this envy, mixed with the desire to take the throne filled her with hate towards them; alongside her knowledge that her love relationship with the Evil One won’t be accepted by her parents.
And this is why Ishtar = the Evil Lady said those words written in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Only her aids and vassals heard those words when she said them as the Cataclysm started. So these words were reported to us by (((them))). When she also mentioned “her people”, this has a double meaning:
1 – The people = normal citizens of Atlantis, including her clan.
2 – The followers of the cult = the traitors from all the clans along with hers whom joined the Evil Couple in the coup.
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