Anonymous ID: 623571 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:01 a.m. No.14452823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2827



(Please read from the start)


Back to the Epic of Gilgamesh – page 41:


Line 12: Inanna/Ishtar/Lilith/the Evil Lady lamented and cried about the “old days” she had lived = the old life style she lived in Atlantis because now she realized it’s all gone since it’s blown away.


Then listen to this beauty: “I said evil things in the Assembly of the Gods, ordering a catastrophe to destroy my people who fill the sea like fish.” The Assembly of the gods is the high council of Atlantis which I pointed as being similar to what we see in the Black Panther movie – page 1 025. And I’ve also explained loads of things about this Assembly of the Gods when I was talking about Raziel – starting page 1 132. Here, she is admitting her crime of “ordering” to kill everyone and/or plotting to kill everyone. She is admitting that this “catastrophe” = the Cataclysm was “made on purpose” – it was not by coincidence or accident, a mistake – it was part of the plan of the coup plotters to cause loads of damage and harm to everyone. I just talked about it a few paragraphs above.


She is also admitting of saying “evil things” meaning she was spiteful, filled with hate and she spat that hate in the face of the other 5 Sebetti rulers (except of her beloved Evil Lover) whom were in the Assembly. She spat it mostly in the face of the King of kings which she and the Evil One hated to the core. And she also spat it on her mother = the Queen of queens and most probably on the Crown Prince. There was a verbal spat filled with poison and hate in the last meeting of the Assembly of the gods = the High council of Atlantis.


The Evil Lady attended it since she was a Sebetti ruler and most probably the daughter of the Royal Couple. And there, filled with hate and rage towards her parents = her family, she spat out on them her true feelings. I think she loathed mostly her Father and her brother, somewhat her mother. She wanted power and she wanted her relationship with the Evil One to be accepted.


It’s unclear if the other Sebetti rulers knew at this point about her forbidden relationship with the Evil One. One thing for sure, the Evil Couple wanted to be the ultimate ruling duo instead of the Royal Couple. This thirst for power and this envy, mixed with the desire to take the throne filled her with hate towards them; alongside her knowledge that her love relationship with the Evil One won’t be accepted by her parents.


And this is why Ishtar = the Evil Lady said those words written in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Only her aids and vassals heard those words when she said them as the Cataclysm started. So these words were reported to us by (((them))). When she also mentioned “her people”, this has a double meaning:


1 – The people = normal citizens of Atlantis, including her clan.

2 – The followers of the cult = the traitors from all the clans along with hers whom joined the Evil Couple in the coup.


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Anonymous ID: 623571 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:03 a.m. No.14452827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2840



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I think the true meaning is a mixture of both because the Cataclysm surprised everyone, including the coup plotters. They didn’t expect that blast to occur and the disaster to be of this magnitude. The coup plotters also didn’t anticipate the death of the Evil One. A lot of (((their))) minions, servants, warriors and clan members perished as well in the blast just like the rest of the people. To put it simply: things got out of hand and the coup went down the drains and everything and everyone was literally blown apart.


So you see anons, when talking about Inanna’s/Ishtar’s FLIGHT….there is a lot to take into consideration, including her ability to fly via the jet suit military technology stolen from the other clans; as well as taking into consideration the events that took place on that specific day when the Cataclysm occurred. It’s not as easy as they make it sound in the Wikipedia paragraph.


“Because the movements of Venus appear to be discontinuous (it disappears due to its proximity to the sun, for many days at a time, and then reappears on the other horizon), some cultures did not recognize Venus as a single entity; instead, they assumed it to be two separate stars on each horizon: the morning and evening star. Nonetheless, a cylinder seal from the Jemdet Nasr period indicates that the ancient Sumerians already knew that the morning and evening stars were the same celestial object. The discontinuous movements of Venus relate to both mythology as well as Inanna's dual nature.


Inanna in her aspect as Anunītu was associated with the eastern fish of the last of the zodiacal constellations, Pisces. Her consort Dumuzi was associated with the contiguous first constellation, Aries.”


>> The last 2 sentences are rather interesting. Are these the special abilities of the Evil Lady = water and the Evil One = fire? When taking a look at Attar (page 1 232) we found out he was associated to the planet Venus, had Antelope armor and he was connected to water.


This is very tricky because we know Inanna’s armor was a multi-morph one: after stealing the military tech from other clans (mostly the ThunderBirds) she merged that tech with her own Antelope armor. And we know already from the Native American ThunderBirds that these warriors had the power to summon and control storms. And where there is a storm, there is water = rain, thunder, wind, hail and lightning. So I don’t know if the water is something related to her special ability as the Sebetti queen of the Antelope clan; or if this is connected to the military technology the coup plotters stole and merged with their own armors. I’m 50/50 so far about this, it’s better to take note and wait for further information. And it could be realted to the Flood waters she emerged from like the rest of the survivors. It’s not easy to see through.


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Anonymous ID: 623571 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:06 a.m. No.14452840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2848



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But we also do have another indication that the Evil One used fire. We’ve seen it many times already in this thread. But I’m uneasy about the association of the Evil One with Aries = Ram. I’m unable to see clear or move about this issue because I barely have any information about the Ram warriors. All I have from Ancient Egypt was Khnum (starting page 1 012). He is clearly a protector of children and pregnant ladies, so he’s not a pedovore. But strangely, he is also thought (in a later period) to be married to Satis which was an Antelope warrior. Strangely, he also is represented sometimes holding a jar and water flowing out of it – similar jar seen on the imprint of the cylinder seal page 967. The Ram, for unknown reason was associated to Osiris in Ancient Egypt. The Ram warriors also had a statue next to the ThunderBird one in Ometepe, Nicaragua, making it sounds as if they were “together”.


It’s confusing, isn’t it? Well, this might be due to 3 things:

1 – The coup plotters stole tech and attributes from the Ram clan and used them.

2 – There were traitors in the Ram clan and Khnum might be one of these traitors, but I really don’t see him in that light. The Ram was associated to Osiris and Khnum protected children from demons.

3 – Because of the theft just mentioned in point 1, the later generation misunderstood and got confused on the attributes of the Ram clan; which in turn is leading me as well to misunderstand it.


It’s better to take note of this and gather more information to see what really happened with the Ram Clan warriors. Them along with the Wolf Clan warriors are the hardest to find information about among the warriors. Not much of them to study and retrieve information from. I might revise everything depending on future findings, it’s still a work in progress.




The Sumerians worshipped Inanna as the goddess of both warfare and love. Unlike other gods, whose roles were static and whose domains were limited, the stories of Inanna describe her as moving from conquest to conquest. She was portrayed as young and impetuous, constantly striving for more power than she had been allotted.”


>> I’ve already explained this many times anons. She is the goddess of love because she was a perverted sex addict. A goddess of war because she was the partner of the Evil One and one of the Main coup plotters to overthrow the King of kings and take the throne. She fought the war for the throne of Heaven. So she was thirsty for power and she couldn’t be satisfied with anything less than having everything, ruling over everyone and everything and being the ultimate ruler.


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Anonymous ID: 623571 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:10 a.m. No.14452848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2863



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We have similar behavior from current day Bloodlines: no matter how much wealth and power they accumulated, it wasn’t enough for (((them))). (((They))) always wanted more and more, it’s never enough for (((them))). The Evil Couple was like that. Unless they conquered everything and everyone, they were never satisfied; they always wanted more and more which explains the many conquests and how they kept on trying to take the kingdoms of the other Sebetti rulers. And this also explain the mentality = ideology as to why they stole the military technology from other Clans and merged them to their armors = to get more powerful weapons.


Saying she is young is also a correct description of her. I’ve said many times already she was innocent and naïve and she was tricked and seduced by the Evil One whom turned her into the Evil Lady through sex = he made her addicted to sex and most probably Adrenochrome. Usually, youngsters are naïve because they are still “fresh” out of childhood and teen years and they don’t have much experience in the adult world. This was the case with Inanna = the Evil Lady.


Her being impetuous as in impulsive is also connected to her youth and her spoiled, selfish behavior = she was a Sebetti queen whom was used to be obeyed and served by many after all. She had a rotten personality to make it short. And if I add to the mix she was a perverted sex addict which wouldn’t be so easily satisfied sexually; suffering from Stockholm syndrome towards the Evil One, as well as been a heavily addict to Adrenochrome ….oh Lord! When she used to have withdrawals from her addiction, she must have been one totally scary lunatic. If you want to know what I mean, just take a look at Killary, you will understand what type of behavior I’m talking about. In shorts, we’ve got a pampered, nasty, spoiled brat with super human incredible powers whom is addicted to drugs.


“Although she was worshipped as the goddess of love, Inanna was not the goddess of marriage, nor was she ever viewed as a mother goddess. Andrew R. George goes as far as stating that "According to all mythology, Ištar was not(…) temperamentally disposed" towards such functions.”


>> This is a point that I’ve been trying to explain to anons and this is how we can see the difference between the Queen of queens and the Evil Lady. The Queen of queens is a mother figure, whom cares about her subjects as a ruler and whom cares about her child as a mother. She loved and cared her husband and she mourned him when he died. She projects a very motherly figure and the image of a loving, caring chaste wife.


As for the Evil Lady, she’s on the opposite side of this spectrum. She is selfish, sacrifices everyone for her pleasure and to save herself. She only cares of herself and her pleasures = including her attachment to the Evil One. She is also a very sexualized person. When she is with men, it’s for sex and carnal pleasure, not to start a family and have a life partner. When she is with children, it’s because she is a pedovore, not to be tender and loving and rearing, protecting them. I can also add she is irresponsible and acts on whims a lot instead of following reason and logic, in opposition to Neith.


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Anonymous ID: 623571 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:15 a.m. No.14452863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2872



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There is a huge difference here in both images projected of both female deities. Neith is the classical, loving image of females = ladies and it’s linked to motherhood as well. While with the Evil Lady, we have the “unstable”, out of control, totally loose, spoiled, rebellious selfish image of females, whom cares more about her looks, her needs, herself and her desires than her duties, responsiblities and others.


The New image of a female = ladies is projected by the Evil Lady as being self-centered and it’s all about her. It’s about her needs, her fashion, her make-up, her hair salon or nail polish etc….but….in the meantime, whom is taking care of the children? Whom is teaching them right from wrong? Whom is protecting them from danger?


The Bloodlines have targeted the woman a lot because she is THE line of DEFENSE against (((them))). If you break the woman, you break the family because women are the bond = the bridge between the MAN = Husband and the children. She is what connects them all together biologically, emotionally and morally. What better way to break the family apart, and take down the protection lines of the children by breaking the woman, whom in turn will fall apart from the man and the children alike = leaving the children at (((their))) mercy.


What greater way to achieve that by brainwashing the women and men alike about many issues concerning their own selves and their relationship with one another! Like what? Well, like making women addictive to shopping, some spend every dime they have on useless items instead of providing for their kids. Like making the women a career maniac, focusing only on her job and make her forget that is the one whom gives life = birth. Like pushing forward the idea that breast feeding is a barbaric, archaic thing to do and the modern, trendy thing to do is to give God knows that in those milk boxes they feed the newborns with. Like how they planted the idea into the head of the young generations that the young ladies can have “any dick” (sorry for the term, but it’s the best to describe the situation) they wanted and as many “dicks” as they wanted simply because they can so and depending on her mood. This is not giving women liberty and freedom. This is turning her into a volatile, emotionally unstable being, whom cannot even recognize her fated partner even if she meets him. (((They))) are turning her into Lilith/Inanna/The Evil Lady which couldn’t be satisfied with one man and couldn’t build a happy home, family with her fated partner. (((They))) are turning young ladies into the image of the Evil Lady.


They are peeling away slowly the image of a mother and a lady, turning her into what the Evil Lady was. And (((they))) have unfortunately succeeded up to a big degree in the West. While in the East (((they))) crushed the women brutally and (((they))) “yanked” her in the opposite direction than that of the West. (((They))) also poisoned the mind of the man as well, in different shapes and forms depending on where they live: the East or the West. It’s all part of one huge programming and a plan to weaken us, take our children to eat them and transform us into (((their))) perverted ways.


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Anonymous ID: 623571 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:19 a.m. No.14452872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2266



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(((They))) are turning society into what (((they))) think it should be, into (((their))) ideology. And this ideology is based on the cult established by the Evil Couple, based on the personality and behavior of the Evil Couple. This is very important for anons to understand and realize. If you caught on this, if you understand it, then you will also be able to detect the “poison” (((they))) are currently spreading into society.


For researchers, they can also use this to detect which deity we are dealing with depending on her personality profile. Look at what I did with Neith/Isis/Hathor/Baalat of Gebal and I’m now doing with Inanna/Lilith/Evil Lady/Ishtar. I understood that younger generations have transformed each aspect of the same person into a different deity. They misunderstood that it’s the same person but seen from different angles, aspects, facets (remember I gave you the example of Melania Trump). The younger generation thought that each one of the aspects was a separate individual, a separate goddess. Researchers can regroup, reconstruct and repair the images of deities relying on their profile. When looking into Isis, I said she is the Queen of queens and this is not the Evil Lady, based on her profile, personality and her characteristics. The later generation of the Bloodlines, during Hellenistic and Roman times, misunderstood whom Isis was and thought it was (((their))) Demonic Mother = the Evil Lady; this is why (((they))) were so attached to the cult of Isis during those eras. I’m doing right now the same with the Evil Lady = finding her aspects and putting them together to get her profile, understand her personality and of course find out as much information about her as I can. Once you grasp each deity profile and characteristics, you can easily know their cult and presence worldwide, no matter where it is on the planet.


The researcher gotta be aware of the mutation which occurred in later generations and they gotta take it into account when evaluating the personality and characteristics of a deity. The oldest the information and artifacts, the closer you are to the point of origin = less mutation.


“In Inanna's Descent to the Underworld, Inanna treats her lover Dumuzid in a very capricious manner. This aspect of Inanna's personality is emphasized in the later standard Akkadian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh in which Gilgamesh points out Ishtar's infamous ill-treatment of her lovers. However, according to assyriologist Dina Katz, the portrayal of Inanna's relationship with Dumuzi in the Descent myth is unusual.”


>> I just explained all there need to be about Inanna’s/Evil Lady’s personality so it shouldn’t surprise anons that she abandoned = dumped the Evil One and all the other men. She might have been scared from the battle/fight which started between the Light and the Dark warriors, and she simply ran away. We know she is also attached to the Evil One, but it seems she was not brave enough to go to the rescue of her beloved = her selfishness and self-preservation instinct got in the way.


She might have loved to conquer and go to war, as in giving the orders, but she was probably scared in the face of the great Cataclysm which took everyone by surprise. She coward when faced with a great danger, at least this is how it’s looking for me.


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