Anonymous ID: 6383f9 Aug. 12, 2021, 6 a.m. No.14333456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3463



(Please read from the start)


>> This paragraph is very funny. They are wondering about the background and the purpose of this Alphabet of Ben-Sira…really?! See how (((they))) play tricks anons. It all depends on whom wrote this, right? There are factions and sub-factions even among (((their))) ranks.


“The Alphabet of Ben-Sira is the earliest surviving source of the story, and the conception that Lilith was Adam's first wife became only widely known with the 17th century Lexicon Talmudicum of German scholar Johannes Buxtorf.”


>> This is very modern and it shows how (((they))) are researching (((their))) own past and discovering things gradually. It fits well with the “tasks” Jacques de Morgan had to do during his trips.


“In this folk tradition that arose in the early Middle Ages Lilith, a dominant female demon, became identified with Asmodeus, King of Demons, as his queen. Asmodeus was already well known by this time because of the legends about him in the Talmud. Thus, the merging of Lilith and Asmodeus was inevitable. The second myth of Lilith grew to include legends about another world and by some accounts this other world existed side by side with this one, Yenne Velt is Yiddish for this described "Other World". In this case Asmodeus and Lilith were believed to procreate demonic offspring endlessly and spread chaos at every turn.”


>> Just like we have with Osiris, Neith and Lilith, I don’t think Asmodeus is the name name of this demon king. I doubt it to be his name. It is going to turn out like what we found about the rest: an epithet, a descriptive or a title etc.


It’s very interesting how Lilith is the “queen” of his demon king. It fits perfectly with the story of the Evil Couple I’ve been telling you about. I wonder what this “Other World” truly means here. Is it Atlantis? = as a world existed before it was destroyed by a Cataclysm? Or is this referring to another realm, another type of existence, like the Spiritual one? Or is this point to another “planet” where humans lived, in the same time as on Earth, before the Cataclysm? = I mean did the humans inhabited several planets in the Solar system? This is an interesting idea, isn’t it? I find it funny how (((they))) used to word “Legend” to “tell” the stories about Asmodeus in the Talmud. See how (((they))) play with your mind.


“Two primary characteristics are seen in these legends about Lilith: Lilith as the incarnation of lust, causing men to be led astray, and Lilith as a child-killing witch, who strangles helpless neonates. These two aspects of the Lilith legend seemed to have evolved separately; there is hardly a tale where she encompasses both roles. But the aspect of the witch-like role that Lilith plays broadens her archetype of the destructive side of witchcraft. Such stories are commonly found among Jewish folklore.”


>> I already explained about the pedovore and the lust issues. Seems Lilith was the first Dark Witch here. I do love it how it’s admitted that such “stories” are “common in “Jewish folklore”.


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Anonymous ID: 6383f9 Aug. 12, 2021, 6:02 a.m. No.14333463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3529



(Please read from the start)


“The influence of the rabbinic traditions


Although the image of Lilith of the Alphabet of Ben Sira is unprecedented, some elements in her portrayal can be traced back to the talmudic and midrashic traditions that arose around Eve:


  1. First and foremost, the very introduction of Lilith to the creation story rests on the rabbinic myth, prompted by the two separate creation accounts in Genesis 1:1–2:25, that there were two original women. A way of resolving the apparent discrepancy between these two accounts was to assume that there must have been some other first woman, apart from the one later identified with Eve. The Rabbis, noting Adam's exclamation, "this time (zot hapa‘am) [this is] bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh" (Genesis 2:23), took it as an intimation that there must already have been a "first time". According to Genesis rabah 18:4, Adam was disgusted upon seeing the first woman full of "discharge and blood", and God had to provide him with another one. The subsequent creation is performed with adequate precautions: Adam is made to sleep, so as not to witness the process itself ( Sanhedrin 39a), and Eve is adorned with fine jewellery (Genesis rabah 18:1) and brought to Adam by the angels Gabriel and Michael (ibid. 18:3). However, nowhere do the rabbis specify what happened to the first woman, leaving the matter open for further speculation. This is the gap into which the later tradition of Lilith could fit.


  1. Second, this new woman is still met with harsh rabbinic allegations. Again playing on the Hebrew phrase zot hapa‘am, Adam, according to the same midrash, declares: "it is she [zot] who is destined to strike the bell [zog] and to speak [in strife] against me, as you read, 'a golden bell [pa‘amon] and a pomegranate' [Exodus 28:34] … it is she who will trouble me [mefa‘amtani] all night" (Genesis Rabbah 18:4). The first woman also becomes the object of accusations ascribed to Rabbi Joshua of Siknin, according to whom Eve, despite the divine efforts, turned out to be "swelled-headed, coquette, eavesdropper, gossip, prone to jealousy, light-fingered and gadabout" (Genesis Rabbah 18:2). A similar set of charges appears in Genesis Rabbah 17:8, according to which Eve's creation from Adam's rib rather than from the earth makes her inferior to Adam and never satisfied with anything.


  1. Third, and despite the terseness of the biblical text in this regard, the erotic iniquities attributed to Eve constitute a separate category of her shortcomings. Told in Genesis 3:16 that "your desire shall be for your husband", she is accused by the Rabbis of having an overdeveloped sexual drive (Genesis Rabhah 20:7) and constantly enticing Adam (Genesis Rabbab 23:5). However, in terms of textual popularity and dissemination, the motif of Eve copulating with the primeval serpent takes priority over her other sexual transgressions. Despite the rather unsettling picturesqueness of this account, it is conveyed in numerous places: Genesis Rabbah 18:6, and BT Sotah 9b, Shabbat 145b–146a and 156a, Yevamot 103b and Avodah Zarah 22b.”


>> This is a little treasure we have here anons, mostly the third point. This is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell anons about Eve and Lilith are one and the same = the Evil Lady. LUST = sex, not just any sex, but perverted sex is what turned the naïve, innocent Sebetti queen into the lustful pedovore the Evil Lady became. This is how she was turned via seduction and lust by the Evil One. He turned on his own because of his sickness. He wasn’t like that at first, he was like Adam, but then when his sickness kicked in, he turned into the Serpent which seduced Eve and turned her into Lilith = the Evil Lady. This section says it all, please re-read and read carefully. You gotta see it under a new light.


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Anonymous ID: 6383f9 Aug. 12, 2021, 6:13 a.m. No.14333529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3162



(Please read from the start)




Kabbalistic mysticism attempted to establish a more exact relationship between Lilith and God. With her major characteristics having been well developed by the end of the Talmudic period, after six centuries had elapsed between the Aramaic incantation texts that mention Lilith and the early Spanish Kabbalistic writings in the 13th century, she reappears, and her life history becomes known in greater mythological detail. Her creation is described in many alternative versions.”


>> This paragraph is a real beauty. Look how carefully it’s worded. So now we are going to hear (((their))) story is about her.


“One mentions her creation as being before Adam's, on the fifth day, because the "living creatures" with whose swarms God filled the waters included Lilith. A similar version, related to the earlier Talmudic passages, recounts how Lilith was fashioned with the same substance as Adam was, shortly before. A third alternative version states that God originally created Adam and Lilith in a manner that the female creature was contained in the male. Lilith's soul was lodged in the depths of the Great Abyss. When God called her, she joined Adam. After Adam's body was created a thousand souls from the Left (evil) side attempted to attach themselves to him. However, God drove them off. Adam was left lying as a body without a soul. Then a cloud descended and God commanded the earth to produce a living soul. This God breathed into Adam, who began to spring to life and his female was attached to his side. God separated the female from Adam's side. The female side was Lilith, whereupon she flew to the Cities of the Sea and attacked humankind.”


>> From this, it seems Lilith = Evil Lady was born before the Evil One!?!?!?! The “waters” mentioned, are they the waters of the Flood that was part of the Cataclysm? Then there is this interesting detail: “whereupon she flew to the Cities of the Sea and attacked humankind” = I understand she either was on a plane or most probably she had wings stolen from the military tech of the ThunderBirds.


“The Cities of the Sea” = Can you guess which cities (((they))) are talking about here? The Phoenician City-States were referred in 2 ways in the Akkadian period, but it’s believe the Akkadians took it from the Sumerians; meaning it’s way older than what is officially admitted.


The Phoenician City-States were called either:

1 – The Cities of the Coast/ Cities near the Sea.

2 – lbnn = Lebanon; which means WHITE TOPS/white summits/white heads/white hats. This is in reference to Mount-Lebanon mountain chain and the Anti-Lebanon mountain chain being both covered in snow = having their summits = tops = heads all white = covered in snow during the winter.


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