(Please read from the start)
2 – The Evil One: I think the Evil One was a Sebetti king. My mentor suggests the slight possibility that the Evil One was actually the SON of a Sebetti king = a young heir. For now, with what I’ve got, everything is point the he was a Sebetti king.
Just like with the Evil Lady, it is unclear which animal was his heraldic symbol since both his and the one of the Evil Lady merged together to form the Horned Serpent.
We know that everything was “fine” with him at first. It was discovered that he had some type of illness which couldn’t be cured at all, neither with the healing pods/beds we’ve seen in this thread nor by the means of the Spiritual Healers. It seems that even the King of kings couldn’t heal him. Suddenly, something happened to him and evil was found in him despite that it wasn’t there at first. This “change” is due to his incurable illness.
For his illness to be incurable, it has something to do with his genetic code = his D.N.A. or his chromosomes. He needs blood, fresh HUMAN blood to ward off the effects of his illness. As long as he gets fresh human blood, he can “tame” the symptoms and effects of his illness = keep it under control but not cure himself. Today Bloodlines are his descendants, mostly that Merovingian Bloodline (other Bloodline families have married into the Merovingians, so they share that blood). And (((they))), mostly the Merovingians, were passed on his “illness” or at least (((they))) are “carriers” of the illness. For him and his descendants, the consumption of fresh human blood is vital and it’s a matter of life or death for (((them))), not just some crazy ritual. Most anons on the board think (((they))) drink blood as part of a satanic ritual, but no one realized it’s the other way around = the ritual was created for (((them))) to drink blood. The need of blood came before the ritual was created. (((Their))) need for blood, mostly the Evil One’s need for blood, made him create a “ceremonial” way to consume it. This is where the idea of Vampires comes from most likely, including what we see about them in Hollywood.
He was arrogant, full of himself and was hungry for power. Since he was like that, he created a cult to have followers (to satisfy his inferiority complex) and he created a whole ceremony centered about his blood consumption. He was mostly jealous and envious of the King of kings, I bet he hated the King all the way to his messed up D.N.A. He claimed he was better and superior to the King, but the truth is, he wanted what the King had and he wanted to be like the King was. Remember what I said about the King of kings = he was Special among the Special, he had a tremendous amount of Holy Spiritual Power and he was popular and loved by all of this subjects. This is what the Evil One wanted = to be the CENTER of everything, including life and the creation of life.
Everything started with him, the Evil One. From the practice of pedovore, to seducing the Evil Lady and turning her into his partner in crime, to recruiting followers and creating a cult which he was the center of, to imitating God and trying to create new life. As I said so many times before, I suspect him to have some sort of incest relationship with the Evil Lady, a taboo relationship.
When we read about Adam and Eve and how the lady was “seduced” by a Serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, it makes me wonder how I should interpret all of this:
1 – Did the Evil Lady betray her lawful husband with the Evil One?
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