(Please read from the start)
It’s a very good interview.
Around min 46.44 he mentions Kaddafi. He is telling you the truth about him, but the MSM and all of the politicians for decades told you Kaddafi was a terrorist, a tyrant and a dictator. And everyone believed that. But the truth was different from what you were told. How much are you awake, truly awake? WHOM ENABLED the slavery to return to Libya? The truth is a hard pill to swallow. It’s not a talk that you want to hear, but it’s the truth and the truth is always ugly and harsh. See how Sean stopped him and couldn’t handle the idea that each and every single one of us are guilty because we played the ostrich and pretend nothing is happening, right under our noses? As long as we are comfy in our homes, no one cares what happens to others. It’s only when the bad thing happen to us that we react and we are outraged by it. Aren’t you ALL like that? Isn’t this called selfishness? Where is your compassion?
Starting minute 19, towards the end, listen carefully. God’s signature. Divine Help. It’s OUT there SOMEWHERE. No Mr Juan, you are not wrong, Divine intervention already occurred, but everyone is blind and doesn’t see it. I can assure you Mr Juan, you have no idea how Hell looks like, you are very far from it. You haven’t seen anything yet. If you want to keep it away from you, start by being a Spark, a spark of LIGHT.
If anons want to win, they gotta stand up and say NO, NO MORE. People should STOP being SELFISH and think ONLY of themselves. The moment you starting feeling with one another as patriots, helping one another = STOP standing by and watching idily like that. Potus Trump, general Flynn and many others has been showing you the way to kindness and LIGHT for a long time now. But whom among you is really listening?
You don’t need to be violent, that’s a trap to drag you into Civil War, wherever you are. But if the people stick together, (((they))) cannot isolate us and take us down. And if you don’t feel wrong about your inaction, then (((they))) win. You can achieve a lot, you the reader, you can put your weight on the scale and change the destiny of many and save many lives all over the planet.
(((They))) tricked you in an illusion, thinking your voice doesn’t matter, you have no weight. If you believe that, then you are a fool and you are not awake yet. (((They))) fear us more than you can ever imagine. So STAND UP and say NO. Help one another, be kind, be compassionate toward others. Start FEELING. As long as you don’t feel, then you are doomed, literally. I’m saying this seriously. You want God to bless you? Good. Then get on His side, get on the side of GOOD and stop enabling Evil by turning your head away, by looking the other way when you see something wrong, by pretending nothing wrong is going on or by simply burying your head in the sand like an ostrich. You can take (((them))) down by being kind to one another and help one another, worldwide. We must stand together as one HEART against (((their))) darkness, so we can make the Light shine. Only the Light can and will vanquish the Darkness. And only YOU can EMIT that LIGHT.
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