(Please read from the start)
9 – The first picture I’m attaching to this page is that of Horus holding the same Staff weapong with the Shen ring as Nekhbet. But what is amazing about it is that we have two, not ONE, Horus depicted. Why represent Horus twice in a row like that, as if one was standing behind the sitting one. So how come we have Horus standing with a weapon, guarding himself sitting and holding the Ankh? Does it make sense to anyone?On top of everything, we have Horus in his Bird form standing, and Horus in his Human form sitting. For me, this is not just a confirmation about the ThunderBirds’ ability to shape shift as we read with the Native Americans about them (starting page 741) = as in they can take off their fighting gear/armor and put it on whenever they want. But it also confirms what was said in the same pages about the presence of MANY ThunderBirds and not just ONE of them.
Ancient Egypt is not the only place we see the Shen Ring. We’ve already seen it before in Mesopotamia, with the relief of Ishatar (page 766). She is winged, has eagle talons, owls on each side of her and she is clearly holding a Shen Ring with her thumbs. As anons can see, the tangent line of the Shen Ring is downward. This is not the Hamsa she is holding anons, but the Shen ring, which was used by the ThunderBirds. Her wings and her feet, along with the birds of prey on each side of her confirm she is a ThunderBird.
Ishtar’s relief is NOT the ONLY one we have from Mesopotamia. There is another deity that is also holding a Shen ring from Mesopotamia and that is Shamash.
On the upper section of the famous Tablet of Shamash, the solar deity is represented seated holding the Shen Ring. In front of him we have the supposed sun “wheel” = his symbol, or what some call the rosette. I’ve already explained this = it is a BEAM of light seen from right under it, and it has lightning surrounding it/coming out of it/swirling around it. I would also like to draw anons, attention to the SIZE of Shamash compared to the other persons in front of him. He is almost double their size, isn’t he?
I keep on wondering what type of weapon is this Shen Ring? Does it emit electricity as well? Fire? Or is it some type of blade weapon? So far, it looks like it’s connected to electricity. When I tried to look at Hollywood to get a hint, I bumped into 2 productions:
1 – Tron (along with Tron:legacy)
2 – Xena (a tv series)
Well anons, I’m not convinced this is it because both lack the tangent line of the Shen Ring and don’t emit electricity. So if anyone reading has any suggestions or can remember any movie with similar weapons or machinery, please share. Nothing is coming to my mind for now apart the 2 I already mentioned.
This ends it for the Shen Ring. If I find more pieces connected to it, I will come back and recheck things out.
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