(Please read from the start)
In one of her iconography, Neith was nursing 2 Nile crocodiles (page 1 027). I keep on wondering why is that? Do these 2 crocodiles represent 2 of her children whom committed incest? Are these 2 crocodiles her children whom tasted the forbidden fruit? = as in it’s the Evil Lady and the Evil One? Well, until now, I’m certain of ONE of the Evil Couple being the King and Queen’s child, but I’m uncertain about the other child, despite many hints pointing there was some type of incestuous relationship taking place, a secret one.
The weapon of the Serpent Sebetti is clearly something that has 7 dots and a lamp = I think this means the 7 blasters that are on his armor. But as we’ve also read mostly from the Native American stories, it’s highly possible the Serpent Sebetti also had “abilities” that could “petrify” his opponent = this has led me to suspect the usage of some type of poison. If it’s not poison, then I would like to ask the reader to propose an alternative to it = give another option. I couldn’t think of anything that can cause pain and petrification with just a scratch or a touch apart poison. Also poison can be used in the form of gas which can kill from a distant. The blasters can also blind the opponent even if they don’t hit target because of the light coming out of them. The blasters can work as a Stun/Flash grenade if they do not hit their target. As in, it can have the same effect as momentarily blinding an opponent to incapacitate him.
But we also know the Horned Serpent is the combination of both the Serpent and the Antelope armor, so this means they must have that beam that formed between the rods of the horns, just like it’s the case with the Lamassu and the Ram warriors.
Strangely, even merging both clan armors didn’t procure any military superiority to the coup plotters. And it also betrays how insecure and inferior they were or felt they were to the other clans combined. So they not just stole the wings and other tech, but they also stole the use of the Sharur weapon yielded by the ThunderBirds = that weapon Staff which emits electricity. This is why we see some Horned Serpents yielding the Sharur as well, or the other weapons. But I think it’s not that easy to simply swing or use such weapons, it needs practice and I think it needs a certain ability to do it.
Unfortunately it doesn’t stop there with the Serpent Sebetti merging with the Antelope Sebetti to form the Horned Serpent clan. They have what I can call as a mutated group to them and those are the multi-forms = like a sub-group.
When we go back and read everything written on the muti-morphs, from the Native American description, to Seth, to Pazuzu, to Lamashtu, etc. it’s incredibly hard to determine their original form at first because they are composites made of many animals = in the cause of our thread = made of stolen armor tech merged into one. I noticed that the helmets = animal head of the multi-morphs varies, but the other elements like the wings and the claws are mostly the same to most multi-morphs.
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