(Please read from the start)
“Complications arise when two powerful dark casters aim to push Lena to the dark: Ridley, Lena's cousin, and Lena's mother, Sarafine, who did not raise Lena and has possessed Mrs. Lincoln, the mother of Ethan's friend Link.”
>> I’ve put some pictures from the movie. If you can watch it, it would be better. The first picture is of Lena’s cousin Ridley when she was being taken over by the dark side. If you look at how she is being taken over, it looks incredibly like she is being possessed by some invisible entity. And look at her transformation: she went from a sweet innocent girl to a seductress; even having the power to control men = males via seducing them like a succubus does.
Sarafine is Lena’s mother. First of all her name is very catching, reminding me of the Seraphim angels which I’m leaning into thinking they belonged to the clan of the Evil One. And amazingly, Sarafine is also claimed by the dark side, just like the Seraphim seems to be. That’s one heck of a coincidence here.
Sarafine doesn’t have a physical body. Doesn’t this remind anons of how Earl de Darkwood lost his physical form and chased after the Crescendolls in his spiritual form? (pages 583 – 584). So she possesses the body of a woman named Mrs. Lincoln. Hm! I wonder if this doesn’t have another meaning because the Civil Wat is also a notable theme in the movie.
Look closely at Mrs. Lincoln anons. What she wears, the cross on her neck, her “conservative” behavior etc. This is not picked randomly by the movie makers. They chose a very religious person, a mother figure, a southerner and a conservative to have her, of all people be possessed by the Evil entity that Sarafine has become.
Notice what Sarafine was turned into. Is she some sort of tree with branches coming out of her? Or is she made of some dark matter, vapor or liquid: it’s undetermined. Anons do you remember what I told you about about what all of us 3 saw on that day on page 1 045? Well, what we saw is incredibly close to this black substance that Sarafine is made of. Also notice how Evil cannot enter one’s house without being let in or invited?
“Sarafine foresees Lena will become a powerful caster, wanting Lena to use her power to purge the Earth of humans, leaving just casters. The couple have another flashback of their past with the locket, revealing that their ancestors, caster Genevieve Duchannes and mortal Confederate soldier Ethan Carter Wate, were in love. Ethan died in battle, and Genevieve revived him. Doing so laid a curse on all Duchannes women; they will go dark on their sixteenth birthday. A mortified Lena asks Amma to help, being a seer and keeper of the caster library beneath the town library, extending all across the USA. The most ancient of the books reveals the secret to undoing the curse: someone Lena loves has to die. Unwilling to take Ethan's life, Lena erases his memories of their love.”
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