Anonymous ID: a68475 Bridges & Maps # 6 May 21, 2021, 6:40 a.m. No.13718828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good day to anons reading this,


This thread is going to be an attempt to build the Qmap by building the bridges and making the connections between different issues & threads, as well as finding out the truth about the REAL history of mankind. It’s all about digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs…


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Anonymous ID: a68475 May 21, 2021, 6:43 a.m. No.13718854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the old man,


Bridges & Maps thread 6 is a continuation of the long dig started in Bridges & Maps thread 4. I will pick up where I stopped in thread 5 for old readers. For new readers, I would be asking them to go back to thread 4 and start reading from the very first page or they will be unable to fully grasp what it’s all about since this is a long chain.


I thank everyone for their patience. Hope you will enjoy reading this thread.

Wishing you a good day.

Anonymous ID: a68475 May 21, 2021, 7:01 a.m. No.13718962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8997

(Please read from the start)


Since we are talking about Horus, let’s take a look at the Wadjet for its symbolic importance to the Bloodlines; as a potential origin of the EYE symbol (((they))) are so fond of:


“The Eye of Horus, also known as wadjet, wedjator udjat is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health. The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts.”


>> Yes, and this always caused confusing between both eyes. For centuries, loads of scholars and researchers cannot make the difference between the 2, sometimes even I confuse them.


“Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus.The symbol "was intended to protect the pharaoh [here] in the afterlife" and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Middle-Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bows of their vessels to ensure safe sea travel.”


>> So it’s a protective symbol….doesn’t this remind us of what we read about the Hamsa?




Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun god, Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye. The mirror image, or left eye, sometimes represented the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth).”


>> Reading about it, how it’s written, it’s making me think that this EYE = Eye of Horus was located on the face and not on the palm of the hand like it’s the case with the Hamsa.


“It was believed by the Greeks and Romans that an evil heart could get to the eye. The thought-to-be-powerful effects of eyes and optics created the myth that the energy-producing power of the eye had the ability to cast evil spells with just a glance. Because the ancients believed the evil eye could be counteracted with a 'good eye', myths about Horus arose.”


>> It seems we have a “good” Eye and we have a “bad” Eye. If this is some sort of weapon = “energy-producing power of the eye” does this mean it was not only the bad warriors using the Eye, but also the good ones? But it was placed in a different location on the armor.


“In one myth, when Set and Horus were fighting for the throne after Osiris's death, Set gouged out Horus's left eye. The majority of the eye was restored by either Hathor or Thoth. When Horus's eye was recovered, he offered it to his father, Osiris, in hopes of restoring his life. Hence, the eye of Horus was often used to symbolise sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection.”


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Anonymous ID: a68475 May 21, 2021, 7:08 a.m. No.13718997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6652



(Please read from the start)


“As hieroglyph and symbol


There are seven different hieroglyphs used to represent the eye, most commonly "ir.t" in Egyptian, which also has the meaning "to make or do" or "one who does". In Egyptian myth the eye was not the passive organ of sight but more an agent of action, protection or wrath. The Eye of Horus was represented as a hieroglyph, designated D10 in Gardiner's sign list. It is represented in the Unicode character block for Egyptian hieroglyphs as U+13080.”


>> I’m not surprised to discover there are 7 DIFFERENT hieroglyphs to represent the EYE. Remember the Sebetti and what I said about them on page 789? I keep on wondering about the Sebetti. The way they are mentioned: were they horrible, bad or terrible persons? Were they Evil? In the Wikipedia page they always make it sound like the Sebetti are terrifying powerful beings that aren’t that “good” to humans, as if humans must fear them. I wonder if this is true or if this is a biased point of view from one specific side; regardless if it’s the good guys or the bad guys. I rather wait to gather more information, details about them before deciding if they are this or that….but for now, I don’t see them as being part of the bad guys.


I’m also wondering since we have 7 different persons (=the Sebetti), does this mean we’ve got 7 different types of armors with each one having its unique specific traits/functions.


There are 2 artifacts that I want to talk about a bit:


The First one is of a Wedjat pendant made of gold and faience that is in display in the Cairo Museum. It was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. The central piece is the Eye or Horus or the Wedjat and it’s flanked by Uraeus on one side (=symbol of the goddess Wedjat = Lower Egypt) and the vulture on the thought (thought to be the goddess Nekhbet = Upper Egypt) on the other side. It is common knowledge among Egyptologists and even among researchers that together they represent the unification of Ancient Egypt and they protect the Pharaoh, that’s why they are represented on his crown.


But after discovering the deep meaning behind the Birds of Prey symbolism and the Horned Serpent symbolism, I think this has a deeper layer of meaning that the traditional obvious one. I think apart the obvious, standard meaning of them representing Upper and Lower Egypt, they also represent the ThunderBirds and Horned Serpent warriors whom survived the cataclysm and fought for the dominance of Ancient Egypt. This is why I will be asking anons not to rush and decide that ALL Ancient Egyptian rulers and aspects of its culture are bad or established by the Ancient Bloodlines. I think it’s a long process, but….each Pharaoh must be studied independently and separately at first, then as a second step, we should study each dynasty on it’s own to see their inclinations, either towards the ThunderBirds or their inclination towards the Horned Serpent.


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Anonymous ID: a68475 Sept. 4, 2021, 5:48 a.m. No.14518864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869



(Please read from the start)


I’m saying distant future because there are indications that the Sebetti rulers along with their warriors lived for a very long time = probably hundreds of thousands of years. And this also played a part in what was going on between the Evil Duo. If they wanted to become the next heir, they could have easily killed the Crown Prince, making it look like an accident and then “hoped” and waited for the King to proclaim one of them His heir. But as long as the King of kings lived, and He lived long, He could father another “Special” child with High Spiritual power, since He lived for a very long time. And this meant the Evil Duo had to live under the rule of the King of kings for an extremely long time before any of them could possibly ascend to the throne.


That’s why the Evil Couple opted to kill the King = faster and they would make sure there won’t be additional potential heirs. Of course, they wouldn’t have stopped with eliminating the King, they were also going after the Crown Prince, despite his young age. And at the death of the Great King, the Crown Prince will be automatically the new King of kings. So he had to be eliminated as well.


Please go back to Isis and Neith, read everything I posted and what I’ve written about her. This should also include Nephthys. Horus was put in the care of Nephthys and both mother and child had to flee and hide, from Seth and his followers. This fits perfectly with everything I’ve written so far. Including how at some point, mother and child were separated for some unknown circumstances and the child = the Crown Prince was put in the care of Nephthys. This is a strong indication that the Crown Prince was very young when the Cataclysm occurred and he needed the care of an adult. When the Anzu bird left the Tree in the Epic of Gilgamesh, he left it with his “young”. As in when the ThunderBirds left, there was someone very young with them.


If I put everything together, from the moment the Crown Prince was born and he was declared as the heir to the throne of Heaven, the Evil Duo started to plot. They realized they won’t be able to take on the other Sebetti rulers and their warriors on their own = even if they united their clans to form the Horned Serpents. So they started to recruit traitors from other clans and in the same time, they started to steal the military technology from the other clans along with any other “objects” or tech which could give them an edge in the battle they knew was coming. They might have sabotaged the other clans in many ways as well. They also kept their sexual relationship a secret because they knew the others wouldn’t accept it no matter what, mostly the horror they did because they were both pedovores. They also kept their “good and nice faces” publically in order to fool others and pretend that nothing was wrong = they were plotting a coup. It took them some years to gather everything they needed, it didn’t happen in an overnight. All this time, they were getting nervous as they were seeing the Crown Prince grow and his Spiritual Power was showing more and more. This is what got Inanna to lash many times at her Father = the King of kings. It was getting harder for her to control her temper and in the same time to hide whom she became; this might be due to her addiction to Adrenochrome, I mean, it could have affected her behavior and mood as well.


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Anonymous ID: a68475 Sept. 4, 2021, 5:51 a.m. No.14518869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4665



(Please read from the start)


“Inanna petitions to An, the Sumerian god of the heavens, to allow her to destroy Mount Ebih. An warns Inanna not to attack the mountain, but she ignores his warning and proceeds to attack and destroy Mount Ebih regardless. In the conclusion of the myth, she explains to Mount Ebih why she attacked it. In Sumerian poetry, the phrase "destroyer of Kur" is occasionally used as one of Inanna's epithets.”


>> Here, there are 2 possibilities:


1 – It could mean that once she lost her temper and tried to harm the Crown Prince and she got a warning from her Father.


2 – She made a request to her Father, asking him to make her the heir instead of her younger brother. But her Father refused because she did not have the requirements to fill that position. As in she didn’t have the right genetic sequence which contained a high degree of Spiritual Power. So she got angry because her Father refused to pick her as an heir and she tried to take it out on her younger brother, harm him.


At this point, I think she hated, loathed the King of kings and the Crown Prince to her bones. She hated both of them more than anyone could ever imagine. After the Cataclysm and the death of the Evil One, she and her followers = the Evil Clan lost their Spiritual Light and that Spiritual power she was born with turned into Darkness. It’s the reason why we see them with that Dark thing floating around them; while the warriors of the Light and the other Sebetti Clans kept that Light. This is how the descendants of the Evil Couple and that Evil Clan became the children of Darkness. While the descendants of the other Clans, mostly the descendants of the Crown Prince became the Children of Light. The hate and loathing the Evil Lady and her clan felt towards the other Sebettis, mostly the Crown Prince and the King of kings grew more and more after the Cataclysm. This dark hatred was transmitted to their descendants and they were taught to be aware of the White Knight. Till this day, the children of Darkness do (((their))) outmost best to kill and destroy the children of the Light. (((They))) hate all humans for rejecting (((them))), not accepting their pedovore way of life, evil way of life. But above all, (((they))) hate the most the Children of the Light.


The Evil Duo did earn the epithet of “destroyer”, regardless if Kur meant the Earth, Atlantis or anything else because they were the ones whom triggered the Cataclysm along with the coup plotters and their warriors.Because of their greed and madness, loads of innocents died in the Cataclysm.


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