(Please read from the start)
But we have more clues coming from the Dogon people as to what happened: in page 216, we took a look into Ogo; this is what was written in the introduction in the link about Ogo: “One of the creations of Amma, and a rebel of horribleness. We must warn you that the following story includes sacrifice, stolen semen, fellatio, biting the end off a very private part, circumcision, mutilation and practices so unsavory it would be enough to put a cannibal off his food.”
>> Sounds familiar anons? It’s the perfect projection of Satan, isn’t it? And why Jews practice circumcision = it’s all started with the Evil One. Back then I tried to find more because I wanted to know the full story of what Ogo did, but unfortunately I couldn’t. I hope someone reading will lend a hand and help uncover what this Ogo did in details.
Then look at what Ogo did – from the same page: “A rampant reptilian creaure, he escaped from Amma’s primordial cosmic egg and filched the whole yolk. Not because he was hungry, but because he thought his twin sister and rival Yasigi was hiding inside. She wasn’t; Amma had placed her in the care of the Nommo Twins.”
>> Isn’t this referring to kidnapping a woman anons? So according to the Dogon people, Ogo was the Serpent Sebetti. He tried to kidnap his own SISTER. Why would a man want to kidnap his own sister? They are saying she was his rival? So if anons continue reading page 216 – Ogo finally mated with the “yolk” of the “egg” and he decided to create his own world – just like Satan – but for some reason, the world created by Ogo was “dry” = as in infertile – reminding of Seth.
And here comes the big BOMB = in order to save the world from Ogo’s INCESTUOUS BEHAVIOR Amma had to sacrifice one of the Nommos. Ogo tried an incestuous union with Mother Earth which brought impurity and barrenness to the world. Amma finally dealt with him by throwing him DOWN into the dry land, turning him into the FOX of TRICKERY.
So now we know that the Evil One practiced INCEST as well. But with whom precisely, the information I got so far is NOT that clear. Did he try to have sex with his twin sister or with his mother? We need to gather more information about what happened anons…for now take notes, make connection, reread everything and check things out yourselves.
Since Voldemort failed to resurrect using the Philosopher Stone a.k.a. Andrenochrome, he conceived another plan. He used some old spells and tricks, to take pieces from his father’s body, combine it with his enemy’s blood along with flesh from his “servant” and other hocus pocus stuff of the sort. As we see in the first picture I’ve attached in this movie, Voldemort has the frail small body before that ritual, and after the ritual, he regained his full body with all of its strength and magical power.
There is a gap here in the storyline of Rowling as in she doesn’t explain how Voldemort regained physical form, even if it was a frail one: how did he get from the “smoke” form into that physical one his servant is holding before the ritual took place.
Regardless, it’s clear here, Rowling is projecting what the Bloodlines have been trying to do for many, many centuries = ever since (((they))) got out of the Ark = rebirth of the Evil One = giving him his physical body back = some call it bringing the Anti-Christ.
The most important question in all of this is WHY? Why was Voldemort so obsessed with Harry and why did he choose to attack Harry that night and not Neville Longbottom? Why he sent Bellatrix Lestrange to eliminate Neville? Rowling provides us with the answer: because he thought Harry was a bigger threat than Neville = because he thought Harry was the ONE the prophecy talked about.
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