Anonymous ID: e9592f June 15, 2021, 6:15 a.m. No.13908505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8658



(Please read from the start)


The last artifact I want to show anons is a relief of Lamashtu from the Babylonian period. As anons can see, the changes are huge. Starting with Lamashtu herself having the body of a snake/serpent instead of the human body. Behind her we have the high stool with the oil lamp we saw in the upper register of the Bronze Plaque from Hell. Only the head of Pazuzu is represented, seen from the side, depicted right in front of her. Under the head of Pazuzu there is a leg of an animal; most probably a horse. I have no idea what this leg is doing there, like that, on its own. But it might be a portion of the horse we see Lamashtu kneel on in the Bronze Plaque from Hell. Maybe since the space is limited, the artist chose to represent the horse leg to keep on the “tradition” of “there is a horse” in the iconography of Lamashtu. For the artist to cut corners like this, it means he doesn’t know the true meaning behind the original presence of the horse.


So even in later time the mutation and distortion continue. This feels like pealing a cabbage isn’t it anons? You got to take out the outer layers one by one to reach the core. Here the situation is the same. We got to go to the oldest period in order to get the most accurate information possible and be the closest to the starting point.


When I look at this Lamashtu Bronze Plaque of the Hells in an overall way, I see a story: Reading from top till down: I see 7 Kings = Sebetti with powerful weapons, then I see someone important dying or on the verge of death and warriors probably guarding him and healers/clergy attending to him, then I see people coming down from the Ark from Armenian Plateau and navigating down the Euphrates: isn’t all of this the story of the murdered king by the Evil One, then the Calamity occurring then the survivors coming out from the Ark?


Let’s talk about the Sebetti:


Whom are the Sebetti? This is the big mystery we have on our hands anons. What information do we have about them? Did ancient sources write about them? If so, from which era? How many inscriptions are there about them?


The only ancient written document we have, close enough to the oldest time, is the Epic of Erra (page 789). Strange isn’t it? From the looks of it the Sebetti were simply “remarkable” beings, but AMAZINGLY there is no abundant information about them? Not just in modern times, but even in Ancient times. The information about them is so scarce despite them being of high importance.


In the Epic of Erra it is reported that the Sebetti were “Champions without peer”, in a repeated formula. Let’s stop here and work a bit on this one = Champions without peer.


What is the definition of “Champion”:





plural noun: champions


  1. a person who has surpassed all rivals in a sporting contest or other competition.

"a champion hurdler"


  1. a person who vigorously supports or defends a person or cause.

"he became the determined champion of a free press"


• historical

a knight who fought in single combat on behalf of the monarch.”


>> So in other words a Champion is a FIGHTER. Isn’t the synonym of fighter = warrior? Yes, it is.


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Anonymous ID: e9592f June 15, 2021, 6:38 a.m. No.13908658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681



(Please read from the start)


What’s the meaning of :”without peer”?


“without peer

phrase of peer


  1. unrivalled.

"he is a goalkeeper without peer"


>> So if I combine both words it would become an “unrivalled warrior”. It’s an impressive title, isn’t it? So this makes him an exceptional fighter, almost unique, right?


The Epic of Erra tells us the Sebetti “are the sons of “Heaven and Earth” = now this one is tricky and tough. What does this mean? Does it mean they came down from the sky and lived on the land? Does it mean the Sebetti were made from Heavenly and Earthly beings = a combination of both? I don’t know anons. But there is load to think about here and this is a huge mystery.


According to the Epic of Erra, each Sebetti was assigned a destructive destiny. Machinist and Sasson believed the destructive destiny are some type of weapon. Incredibly enough, there is a possibility they are not that far from target when you look at the bronze Plaque from Hell, upper register = we have a row of weapons, placed on top of the Sebetti row. So I’m wondering how did Machinist and Sasson know about these special weapons? From the looks of it anons, the Sebetti were incredible warriors wielding incredible weapons.


By looking at the bronze Plaque from Hell (hoping it’s close enough to the original, authentic Sumerian one and not heavily altered), we notice that each Sebetti is associated to ONE animal and One animal Only. So originally, each Sebetti represented ONE ANIMAL; let me rephrase that: Each Sebetti had one animal as a Heraldic Symbol = Coat of Arms. Remember anons, we are dealing with fighters here, warriors.


1 - We can easily identify the ThunderBird Sebetti on the bronze Plaque from Hell. It’s a perfect fit/match to all the ThunderBirds we’ve seen in all the cultures/civilizations we’ve visited so far in this thread. They are not represented with the Sharur weapon here = the electricity emitting Staff. Is the concave, moon shape like weapon the one used by the ThunderBirds? I don’t know. Is this how the Sharur was drawn in Ancient Times? I don’t know. I’m a bit stuck on the weapons issue as anons can see.


I want to point out that the ThunderBird warriors were from both genders = male and female as various artifacts we’ve already seen in this thread points to; but it seems the majority were males. Do not forget anons that from the Native American stories about the ThunderBirds, we know they were the deadly ENEMY of the Horned Serpent.


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Anonymous ID: e9592f June 15, 2021, 6:42 a.m. No.13908681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5929



(Please read from the start)


Also, we know from the Native American tales and artifacts that there were many ThunderBirds, NOT ONE. So how can this be? And how does this connect with the Sebetti? Easy: Each Sebetti you see on the bronze Plaque from Hell is a LEADER of his clan/squadrons. Like the ThunderBird Sebetti is the leader of the entire ThunderBirds, worldwide. Same goes for the other Sebetti factions. Each Sebetti was the leader of his own clan/warriors. Doesn’t that make them like RULERS = Kings?


We have 7 KINGS on our hands anons. See now why the number 7 is soooooo important. It represents the 7 KINGS = rulers.


2 - Let’s talk a bit about the Ox/Bull Sebetti. As I’ve said before, I think these are pilots, aircraft pilots. We didn’t see any in the Andean region, but we have Hathor in Ancient Egypt. As I’ve said before, the reason why Hathor had wings and why she was considered in the oldest period as being Horus’ mother is the pilot “connection”.


We also have the Lamassu from Mesopotamia, another winged iconography of a bull/ox. I want to remind anons that Lamassu, in the oldest period, was also a female deity, just like Hathor was. It’s only when we got to the Assyrian times that the Lamassu started to be exclusively male = mutation. If we examine the Sumerian Cylinder Seal imprint where the Lamassu is depicted, it’s quiet hard to tell if it’s a male or a female there. I mean the hair is tricky as well as we cannot tell if it has breasts or not. So in this type of scenario, it’s better to gather more artifacts representing the Lamassu, worldwide, and see the percentage of male and female Lamassu warriors in order to determine how many of each were there.


What is certain about the Ox/Bull warriors is that they fought against the Horned Serpent and protected mankind from them; we’ve seen this image projected by the Lamassu in Mesopotamia and by Hathor in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian goddess even assists Horus, or let me say it better = she takes the side of Horus, during his fight with Seth. Of course, the Ox/Bull Sebetti was the leader of the Ox warriors = their king.


I think we can characterize both the ThunderBird and the Lamassu warriors as being SKY warriors wince both could FLY, using different machinery to do so.


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