The God of Biomechanics fills you up with all kinds of mother juices but not the finished product.
Fuckery of the mind becomes easy.
>t. I've read my share of Roissy (Chateau Heartiste)
The God of Biomechanics fills you up with all kinds of mother juices but not the finished product.
Fuckery of the mind becomes easy.
>t. I've read my share of Roissy (Chateau Heartiste)
>In defense of all Bongs
Brits are like: America?
We made that shit.
Got pissed at each other so we created the 2 biggest Global Empires of all time.
>Willow dindu nuffin
That said I always thought Willow was kinda weird and all the Comms kids hang out on her posts so there's that.
The Board Jews aren't too high profile right now either.
Maybe we should digg further something could be up.
You're the only one that wants to Bake consistently these days.
Anons are apathetic (guilty as charged as well).
The Limbo: way worse than The Precipice whenever that decides to get here.