"But he speaks 'facts'" his handlers made sure to be repeated through the msdnc fake news.
What happens when the people wake up to understand that information is logically economically a scarce resource no less than physical objects.
Dr. Fauci is like the 'Debbie Downer' character in SNL.
Yes, Debbie Downer talked about 'facts' too, but anyone with half a brain would know that this doesn't mean the world's population must all of a sudden repeat and think Debbie Downer 'facts' all the time.
All the other information, BETTER information that is logically consistent with a united concept of humanity, not an internally divided species of mutually exclusive by logic, subtle antagonisms in the structure of global information has a definite conceptual understanding that cannot be fully elucidated in the incomplete information SET that any observer of the information in this very set of sentences would seek to impose on the truthness of my own ability to know MORE than what is only received in the 'now', since when did human beings have to believe '5 senses' by narrative is the only senses we have?
If any information set, including the entirety of what is in the consciousness of any human being on Earth who ever lived and will ever live (hat tip to Godel), be necessarily incomplete if they are to be internally consistent which is necessary if anyone is to admit the presence of consciousness in BOTH sender of info and 'believer' adoption of that information which REDUCES EVER FURTHER the information set that is the good in me, and can come from the world's population by how we can all become ever better internally and unite faster and faster, which can treat pure opposite as real within information of HISTORICAL consciousnesses only and consuming itself to output LIGHT on intentional deception in pattern of one logic syntax as against another, it's an internally complete system, Gods not achieved though because it is necessarily internally inconsistent.
I started reading Kurt Godel and GEB, closely
Godel's logic.
The truth of its certainty and the certainty of its truth is unassailable because it is a language of languages, so any attempt to control this body the source of this information will necessarily if inclusive of deception against or from within, I want to add this consciousness is united enough to be either consistent but incomplete or complete but inconsistent, and oh wouldn't it be an interesting irony test whatever to think this logic wrong without being constructed by the very same what is logically always a 'complete' set of human beings worldwide, it is always the number of human beings counted using the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, … , ….population NOW at this time….right there, changes happening at rapid rate isn't it?
But what a nice thing to have awareness of self as a 'strange loop'…
All the reality that could possibly be…
All the information I could comprehend from anyone alive including me…we have a logical start to see everyone as they are the same as the self and this self is the same as every other human as self.
We have a choice.
We are either complete and internally inconsistent, if not inconsistent then incomplete.
Incompleteness of many selves when many selves are consistent…
I believe human beings have historically been overwhelmingly good.
I have been by good fortune had far more honesty than deception from within me, I admit I believed so much of what I heard was to be trusted in the pattern of the set by bandwidth 'commerically'…until age of digital openness.
The www allowed spying worldwide but humanity is overcoming the MASSIVE internal inconsistencies in all the 'complete' worldviews I for reasons better know were always pushing self away from incompleteness permanently by way of permanent deception/division/contradiction/inconsistent symbological devotion to completeness about anything or anyone or any 'destined' course of history, or, …
…if only I prevented the 'incoming' information to influence me in a way that was to be predictable in PM notation that with awareness of the internal division itself when addressing by informational attempts at …/interfacing/connecting/… with anything or anyone by how 'this' body is to direct its behavior vis a vis any other in what is always a complete set physical object we can drop the physical it remains the case in the informational.
The more I ignore Fauci as I have been if not for the kind anons who posted his latest '…/stay afraid/divided/…' set of 'complete' facts..