well even though they arrested her for having sex with her dog in broad daylight
i don't think it should be ok at night either
day drinkers always get a bum rap
earlier it was reported that one of the big donors to help gavin newsom beat the recall election was stewart resnick and his wife
they are one of the biggest landowners and water users in california
they own the Wonderful Company
i am pretty sure that company has been in the news/ mentioned lately
anyone remember why?
some cows are very protective of their calves
several firms are marketing pens that attach to 4 wheelers
you drive up and catch the calf in the pen
then work on the calf inside
while the cow tries to destroy the pen
usually they just ignore everything but the pen and the calf
if you have no pen when a cow charges you pick up the calf and hold it in front of your chest while you try to run backwards
if she stops- throw the calf towards her and run like hell
SOMETIMES they won't hit you if that would mean they would butt the calf too
worldwide in 2019 five people were killed by sharks
in the us alone in an average year 20 people are killed by cattle
you mean you have a better one?