>Bill Gates wins the Knockout Game too!
So…. how to get on being the shooter on the firing squads?
>Bill Gates wins the Knockout Game too!
So…. how to get on being the shooter on the firing squads?
What the… idk b… Gaetz people was into some shit. and he himself was accused. The way it's looking the rumours about Everyone including trump being fucked are coming true.
You going to let the popul;ace live out an illusion after this is over if they happen to accept Trump after all of this? or what? because things are just oging to get worse until "something" happens
O9A is upset they cursed me, but there is a price to pay for that.
>When the fuck are you going to wake up to how Trump works?
The man and many others have repeatedthings anons have stated, what makes you think I dont get the jist?
>Ex-girlfriend of US Rep. Gaetz reportedly cooperating with feds' sex trafficking probe
uh, yeah.
>you're supposed to lurk for 2 years
>Not in the USA where the servers are.
Obviously trying to get the servers taken down
among other things. The faggots take the bait with the kikespeak often.
YeahI say Kike You Say Kike Dance Monkey Dance!
Let's swap addresses and find out who makes it home.
If they included addresses on all internet posts do you kids think these fake faggots would be around?
But certainly almost overnight perhaps there will be attempts to Spoof such a thing. >>13724691
Good, fuck this place fuck people can hardly wait to bear witness to the destruction of the wicked or be destroyed myself.
>Somehow the fact I use firefox to screenshot memes means I am OSS. Sauce of the century.
It is intriguing how some are so concerned about who others are and not so much the content of what is being researched here.
Firing squad in their futures?
I mean I was concerned… still kinda am. shit is foggy and uncomfortable. fuck you btw…
but yeah… till I started baking.. but then again I didnt talk shit like that before I did start baking to BVs… whatever.