(pb) >>13724114 (pb)
(pb) >>13724114 (pb)
Yup. They were protected.
The kid who thought he would be King.
That's the best one. I had it bookmarked too. It can't get any better. The question is why would it be scrubbed.
OK. Lucky for you PB doesn't mean pea brain.
Nothing lasts forever. Eventually the tide turns. Their schemes that worked are now going against the current. For the first time the sons and daughters of bitches and bastards are swimming against the tide. And I don't think they have youth or energy to win.
I would love to know what they talk about and find so funny. They wouldn't. I can guarantee that.
>The only things going down are 10 chickens, 10 slabs of ribs, and a couple gallons of potato salad.
The Departed. James Whitey Bulger. Who seemed to get away with everything. And escape the clutches of the elite FBI for over 20 years. Until finally caught. And then willing to tell his story. But. And there's always a but. Was transferred to a new jail where they ripped his eyes out. And he died. I guess he saw too much? You tell me.
Dim Sum Strait. Ask Boston John Kerry and blood relative FBI Boston boy Mueller.