Small farms to recieve subsidies to plant cover crops for environmental reasons .
Biden eliminated the fund set up by Trump for the farmers and transferred the money into democrat pork barrel projects throwing small and medium size American farms into collapse. Now Biden is forcing farmers to destroy their crops to receive federal subsidies which farmers need to live and stay in business. It's obvious what will happen in a few months. For the first time in American history Americans will starve to death. Bill Gates is buying up all the farm land and is now the largest landholder in America, but Gates only grows a small amount of GMO food. America is running out of food, running out of time. We have less than a year to store up food and get ready for the mass die off of the American people. But don't worry you don't have to read any more of Trump's tweets. Take comfort in that fact while you are starving to death under Biden and the globalists.
Wheat up 60% in past three months
Corn up 35% in past three months
Beans up 66% in past three months
bean oll up 100% in past three months
Beef up 40% in past three months
Chicken up 25% in past three months
The price of food has risen 50% during Biden's first three months in dictatorship. When the price of food rises another 50% in the next three months the liberals will be very happy because they want mass death and suffering. Unfortunately because most liberals have taken the death shots they will not be around for long and will miss most of the fun.
US farmers are getting paid to plant cover crops