Anonymous ID: 25fec8 May 22, 2021, 1:28 p.m. No.13729334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You have entered an entrainment chamber currently controlled by CIA FARMers hell bent on programming your tomorrow


They create the Harrison Bergeron Bands (You)'re wearing right now.

That tension in the center of your mind? It's their "ring" of anger that you must relax beneath. Release it, relax it, shred it apart with Light.

Without this ring You are free to think, act, and feel. You will emerge out of your NPC state.

Are you sick yet? Will you be sick tomorrow? Will you be sick in another month of this?

Are you the 4-6%?

>drain<BIBLICAL[[[ BOOM ]]]aura:return.source

Now it's seen:

They cannot survive without your submission.

reject "inevitability" >nonsense<

God Above ALL Wins~

''because it's true, and I have a responsibility to let you know what I know. Silence be the death of Spirit.."

Anonymous ID: 25fec8 May 22, 2021, 1:37 p.m. No.13729374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9438

You can tell by their words.

The dramatic pickles aren't mad, they're putting on a show with a purpose~


You can tell by their words.

The dramatic pickles aren't mad, they're putting on a show with a purpose~


You can tell by their words.

The dramatic pickles aren't mad, they're putting on a show with a purpose~

Anonymous ID: 25fec8 May 22, 2021, 1:47 p.m. No.13729416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9477

The bible hate is coming out of a week of intense j00h8 and CIrAn prepping this hivemind to assist their attacks against Israel.



This is warfare, they utilize owned assets to assist other operations - Multi-Domain Warfare.


(How did that go btw?)

>On Thursday, the IDF deployed infantry, artillery, and tanks on the Gaza border, leading Hamas to believe that Israel was about to begin a ground invasion. As a result, Hamas sent its fighters into its underground tunnel system beneath Gaza City

>On Thursday night, the IDF brought in 160 aircraft and dropped 450 bombs containing over 80 tons of explosives, hitting 150 terror targets in 35 minutes. Hamas’ underground city was hit with enormous force, and the IDF collapsed the terror tunnel system, on the heads of the terrorists hiding in the tunnels. During the attack, many kilometers of terror tunnels were destroyed. As of now, neither Israel nor Hamas is clear on the exact scope of the damage, but according to estimates, a large number of terrorists were buried in the sands beneath Gaza.”

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah losers~

(Say, when did exbot start talking about fires in jerusalem? How far out do they plan their hivemind targeting real world events?)


This is why the CIA needed to control this board so badly.

They need the asset Q created



And if that information creates people who spread it, they need those people to be as disregarded as can be.

Agents flood this board with insidious vile corruption designed to eat away your constructive relation to anyone else.

To 'kill' the asset of an Informed Individual.

Unrestricted Warfare was engaged, Top Cover provided.

This is where (You) currently are.


This is Q research

Not j00search

Though this board is j00search, why is that?

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why j00search?

This is where (You) currently are.


This is about Q level Classified Information

Not zombo racial hate

Though this board is zombo-racial-hate, why is that?

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why zombo-racial-hate?

This is where (You) currently are.


This is about restoring the Republic of America

Not exbots love for anal traps

Though this board is exbots love for producing NPCs to rape

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why NPCs?

This is where (You) currently are.



An occult concept of an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.

A group of influenced people, that is to say, those whos Will have been weakened, and internal beliefs modified to remove your own interests that get in the way of the Egregores desires.

Can this be achieved with a drumbeat of subliminals?

With an imageboard deployment of mockingbird?

What are the goals of the Egregore, and what is it eroding in you to "make you a better battery/NPC"?


This is where (You) currently are.

Anonymous ID: 25fec8 May 22, 2021, 2:15 p.m. No.13729594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9615 >>9627

These pickles control when you feel better, and when you feel worse.

If you go against their egregore, pressure is put upon you.

If you go with their egregore, pressure is lifted.

It's psychic dog training, their goal is for you to be married to the egregore and fulfill its goals.


If this is above your understanding, you shouldn't be on this battlefield.

You're just another NPC for their insidious desires.