>As long as he/she/they/it bakes a sold bread, limits post count, and trims Bloatables, I'm okay with it.
You KNOW that it cannot and will not do that.
It's a quasi human chat bot.
>As long as he/she/they/it bakes a sold bread, limits post count, and trims Bloatables, I'm okay with it.
You KNOW that it cannot and will not do that.
It's a quasi human chat bot.
>When home improvement goes ~~wrong~~ right.
Help baker and call out notables
Remember the days when anons nominated, seconded and bakers collected instead of how it is these days with bakers choosing and filling bloatables with crap?
Pepefuckingridge farms 'members.
>So the Lottery is Fake & Gay…
One assumes so.
Anon lived in Brazil for many years and saw an expose whereby politicians and their families had "won" first and second prizes dozens of times per families.
Anon sees no reason why the rest of the world would be any different.
Yeah, Leonides being btfo and beheaded by the Persians (Iranians) is great imagery for that.
Baker, I'm in and out for the next half hour or so, but I have your back and will do what I can to assist.
Btw, you aren't a rodent per chance, are you?
>beans and corn tortillas?
As long as it doesn't smell like shill spirit (or act like), IDGAF.
>It's a chat bot, but I believe completely human.
One would altruistically hope there is still some humanity left within that warped and damaged shell, but anon ain't holding his breath.
Too much pharmacopeia rots the brain, body and soul.
Call out your notables, faggots.
Let anons reclaim the board.
Anon will scrape as baker is a faggot, but it's fucking better than 3 pages of crap.
If anon doesn't see a call for notable, let alone alone a second, anon MAY nominate those anon finds notable and call for a second.
No second, no notable..
If anon has a second, anon will notable.
Anon has not seen too many noms for notables, but anon has no problem offering an empty bun.
Anon will now trawl non nommed posts..
Those who cry the loudest and longest, but old news is old news.
More meat and a second and anon will add.
Headlines and link can go the way of the oozlum bird.
Notables @500
Notables are not endorsements
Seems there is a paucity of notables.
C'mon anons, step up your game.
>note: i started 2 weeks ago from complete scratch and wanted to give more then digging, meming and praying, !!!
Join the club, anon.
Anon despises the shit show that Qresearch has become and is therefore also stepping up.
Neglected to mention that note taker loves you Pic related.
>fcuk wits have a lot to answer for
Whoa, slow down there.
Was this self censorship or a typo?
If a typo, note taking agrees 100%.
If self censorship …
Newsbot, note taker has a suggestion.
Add the first paragraph at least and any concomitant vids or gtfoh.
Do these finally comments equal a call for notable?
C'mon guys, note taker would like to end this bread with at least one notable.
>self ~~checkfagging~~ cocksucking on Trips.
There are some things that should never be done in public.
>Notable:Hastings Gives $3 Million to aid homeless veterans.
Do we have a second?
C'mon guys. note taker has never delivered an empty notables bun.
But anon has no problem with firsts.
>no baker, no notable
What faggotry is this?
Anons should determine notables, not the faggots in the kitchen.
Notables @650
Notables are not endorsements
>>13729935 Hastings Gives $3 Million to aid homeless veterans.
Notables @650
Notables are not endorsements
>>13729895 Netflix’s Reed Hastings Gives $3 Million To Gavin Newsom Anti-Recall Fund
Do we have a second?
>or i am the looney.
Best not to ask that question if you're not prepared for an honest answer.
>Seconded belongs here:
But why?
Anons know the faggot spent monopoly amounts, but the question is why and who benefited?
Notables final bun
Notables are not endorsements
>>13729895 Netflix’s Reed Hastings Gives $3 Million To Gavin Newsom Anti-Recall Fund