Any VolcanoFag here?
What the fuck is happening?
Too many volcanos WW awakening.
EXCLUSIVE! Papadopoulos Exposes Deep State – “Nothing Is Going to Stop What’s Coming”
Here we go Frens…
The plan:
2nd wave of CV19 hits HARD, large death toll. Conspiracy theories are blamed due to non-vaccination. Many of us die, the compliant folks are rewarded and survive, & it becomes historical the “dangers of conspiracy theories”. All by design.
TPTB/elites thin out the herd, rid themselves of the problematic portion of the population (us, the people most likely to resist world government), and a gigantic “we told you!” Is served to us, as the compliant and subservient portion of the public survives the 2nd wave of the bio weapon.
As a result, a legitimate uprising or resistance is forever snuffed out. TPTB have a nice compliant serf class that supports big government, climate change, etc. the children of that generation will be the perfect slave class, a clean slate and a new generation of perfectly programmable slaves.
I think you’d have to be retarded not to see this coming a mile away. It all makes sense now.
Clown World Timeline
>>>>>>>>you are here>
liberals - democrats - communists - freemasons - zionists - satanists - demons- satan.
protests - election theft - tax rape - prison - holocaust - public beheadings- child sacrifice - final war.
>If this is above your understanding, you shouldn't be on this battlefield.
>You're just another NPC for their insidious desires.
Who are you to decide?
>This is below average. You just never noticed before. Lurk moar.
Ok Anon. As you say
Somehow Normies find out that Biden is not the real one, but imposter… how would they react?