Anonymous ID: b43d2f May 22, 2021, 9:05 p.m. No.13732336   🗄️.is 🔗kun


boomers were infants then.



you think I don't know that?

I'm showing the quote by Clarke cribbed by Elon Musk

It's in this vid . you don't have to watch if you don't want to

Think of the advanced tech (biological, theatrical, electronic) that turned Hicks into the bloated pig "AJ"

They are so proud of their tech


I also think the "pandemic" was a dud

They areFAIL


Yesh I saw that. Cooper called him a fat pig liar.


"AJ" is too young to be a boomer, believe it or not.




They call themselves "Wizards?"

The book referenced here by PK Dick "Radio Free Albemuth is really good. Dick became a Christian supposedly had a conversion experience. He could be a fraud too

But it was a good book





Clarke said it, not Musk, He cribbed. Another Faker


