I've notice A LOT of potential comms that seem to use the month and the minutes on the clock.
5=May, and depending upon your time zone, it's [02] or [03]. It's a theory. Certainly not cast in stone as being correct.
What Bothers Me Having
a seemingly insatiable desire to figure out comms, is that "Future Proves Past" requires less guesswork and talent than "Now I'll Predict the Future." Kek.
On an interesting note (probably only to me) is that in running deltas, I see that I was born 17,912 days ago (and some odd hours). Maybe I hit a the birthday delta lottery boom later, as a 23rd ALWAYS holds the prospect of being a foreboding date for [them].
Or as some meme I can't find says (the blonde), "No honey, this weather doesn't look good for boating at all!"