Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams ask: Are covid spike proteins being RELEASED onto cities?
with Mike Adams
Dr M:
''' Self-replicating viruses are being researched by over 10 labs in US, including Darpa and Bill Gates
Dr M's patients seem to be having problems being around vaxxed people
Thinks there is "something going on" - vaxxes may be attacking non vaxxed persons
has found the self replicating viruses are already in production
"Transmissible vaccines whose applications vary thru time" - paper
This literature she found was all about animals - not humans
but MA wants to know, this about how to transmit covid to unvaxxed people?
Dr M:
immuno contraceptive viruses - they can be spread autonomously
replicant deficient viral vector - that's what they're using in J & J vax.
Everything we've seen can be explained wo/a whole virus
s-1 subunit of spike proteins - goes all over the body in mice, you don't need the whole virus [to cause symptoms?]
What about Salk Institute? Showed spike protein wo/vax is sufficient to cause vascular diseaese.
Dr M:
It's the spike protein that becomes the pathology. Unable to isolate Sars CovE 2. Only flu virus, cites Stanford study w/1500 samples.
What she thought originally:
LOOKED like a viral outbreak at first.
But then it "really fizzled" - became a seasonal viral outbreak like the flu (the pattern). It was just 3 cities that reported problems - Italy, Wuhan, NYC. ''Was it sprayed with spike protein?''
With molecular 3d level, could the spike protein be replicated and mounted on drones to be aerolized?
Dr M:
may not be needed, can be spread thru touch. [Cites examples.] Not casual contact, ongoing interactive contact.
Once they did it, they did it during the period of time when military was in Wuhan - another vector? May have piggybacked on the flu season combined with PCR test. Convinced everybody about the pandemic (even tho the flu cases were prolly responsible for many cases).
Why didn't we see the NYC pattern at cities all over the country? Talks about measles outbreak in Disney - he says he knows it was induced by the CDC. ~16mins.
Dr M:
this brings up other rabbit hole.
Premise: we have emergent diseaeses coming out, must intervene. This started in the 1980s with aids and ebola. Was this due to a biological weapons program emerging then? Mentions Project Coast in S Africa - a program to infect African women so they would spread a virus so they became infertile and spread it to other women who would become infertile - black women. Notice how they fizzle out too - never really take off like you'd expect.
Mentions Ft Detrick and Fauci's connections thereโฆ.
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