>>13732309 pb
>>13732219 pb
so he had enough people killed, or his team did, to clear his name?
oh right, "Do What Thou Wilt"
They gets points for that.
>>13732410 pb
>>13732000 pb
Why is that gaslighting?
Have the events been staged?
maybe. But there are definitely real ones
That 's the purpose of the hate pushed here, right
That's why we have a new hate-Baker, right?
That's why it's important to fight back
if not you're conceding to them our territory
They don't belong here. Never did
Never were organic member; always injected.
yeah but they had the 25th amendment.
that was deliberate and added right after they killed kennedy
Easy peezy to remove him, on any pretense
DJTPOTUS did great and is still doing great