Ok, so bv is oss is cia manipulating anons into anti-semitic thinktanks to blow this place. What else is new?
You are the worst agent ever in existing. Crawl deeper into the jannies butthole.
Glowing cia nigger
How about we move to OSSs discord with qr? I am sure thats what the glowniggers really would like to see.
Why should i stick my dick into the sun??
Fuck off glownigger.
Nobody should bake
Let the glowniggers die on their cake.
I am the leadr of the bv fanclub, we worship bv like we worship jesus.
Occupy wallstreet was fun, chanalogy was fun, quinnspiracy was fun…. qresearch … well. At least i can shitpost.
BV is lurking, never really gone. Watch out and dont anger the god of qr.