First time baker?
Anons have your back.
What a waste of digits.
The fucking retchin' Gretchen troll.
You don't need classes for note taking, it's easy.
Just listen to anons and remember how it used to be.
Anons nominate, second and bakers collect.
Not without more meat it isn't.
The days of bloatables filled with newsbot click bait headlines are over.
Anons are reclaiming the board.
Flesh it out and maybe anon will second.
Now that comms has gone by the wayside, is there anywhere for anons to practice baking?
Anon has decided to create a practice baker dedicated bread, but has hit a 600 character minimum character wall so is now waffling in bread to satisfy this requirement.
Any waffle input is greatly appreciated as anon does not want to waste this opportunity with pure BS.
Let's not play the division the game.
Remember that Muslims were light years ahead in the sciences when the Catholic church was actively suppressing knowledge.
Much of what we now accept as scientific fact is thanks to the Muslims.
Study history.
Real history.
>I would give it a go,
Don't be shy, anon.
Damn, anon couldn't see instructions on how to bake in dough so will check previous breads.
Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809,
Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links:
Iwo Jima videos:,
Anyone else notice that the original board banner only became verboten after the kitchen became infiltrated by vermin?
Anon is not ashamed to use the original.
Beware any and all who call it old Glowie.
>if it's so easy, why are note-takers scare
Anon suspects this is a typo.
Note takers and new bakers are scarce due, primarily, in anon's humble opinion, to apathy.
That being said, things are changing. Anons are finding their balls and are now stepping up and reclaiming the board.
Anon is gratified to see the BV support.
>Try in one of these permanent threads'
Did you happen to notice that they are all locked?
>It changed after complaints of the word Q_ANON and the red eyes in the lion.
Yeah, but complaints from whom?
The Q and Anon is clearly delineated by the underscore. Anon reads this as Q + anon research.
>Anons may decide what banner we use for the breads.
Of course. Did anon suggest anything different?
Anon respects board history and finds recent changes, such as the profusion of newsbot click bait headlines and other non notable crap filling the bloatables, repellent.
However, that is anon's personal opinion and anon is not advocating imposing restrictions on the board.
Anon will use the board original banner.
What others use is down to their own personal choice.
That being said, when the board banner originally changed to all manner of weird and wonderful iterations, anon initially became confused when browsing the catalog and missed the new bread.
How about going and fucking yourself?
You are one of the cancers anons are cutting out of the board.
So, Oss says I'm a kike.
You say I'm a mason.
What next?
>I just talk shit ~~and make you feel like an incompetent fuck.~~ suck cock and take it up the arse.
Carry it over to next bread