we all have our preferences. im strictly dickly no homo
You can dish it out but you can't take it.
I'm just a gigalo
And everywhere I go
People know the part I'm playin'
Paid for every dance
Selling each romance
blah blah blah I'm just amoral dickhead.
Every man ever.
Wow. Not even dating a man can ruin your whole entire fucking life. What scumbags you fucking are. I'll never listen to another one of you again.
And since you want to keep up the mockery fuckboy, you can just forget about any forgiveness.
You are a MF perpetual predator. You need to be stopped!
Not a shred of remorse in you.
No conscience.
Okay cool. You've enjoyed your tits for years on end. It's dick time. Lots of dicks in here, being dickheads. They might as well look at themselves in the mirror.
It never used to be such a big problem in here. Combined with the CP and abusive exploitation of women, it's just way too much for any woman to handle. Way too much.
On top of that, we've got social media predators in here too. Fuck them all.
I've had it with the predatory behavior of men in this country. It is incurable.
See how this shit is normalized now? Okay, so pervert all the men and women while they're young. What do you think happens to the women who don't go for that crap and say no?
Tell me guys. Please tell me.