asks for prayer.
starts talking about the crotch
to not confuse the religion with the marxist version perhaps new words are in order:
instead of the words used for the faithful.
your post is a copy pasta kind of thing, agency dipshit.
yes, early on a Sunday morning you type out angry hateful things about Q who you claim to have been a follower of for years . . .but now you're 'fed up'.
how original.
are you mad as hell and not going to take it anymore?
this is put out so that shills have no competition and can run their operational psyops with less people saying 'really! that's what you call enlightened?'
they want noone who can break what they think are spells.
I'm sorry if I have skepticism that a 'mainframe hack' would 1. still exist
not know what CSS and JavaScript are
Not know to just read the help pages.
you echo like thunder, huh?
ya, no, I'm not buying what you are trying to sell.
you said 'go fuck yourself' twice, so I know you don't have my best interests at heart.
real anon don't stab at those who question their emotional outbursts.
you've done nothing to show me that I'd want to be in a party with you are a caucus supporting the same causes that we decide.
no, you're an interloper doing a bit.
you come into a venue with a bad attitude and start swearing at the patrons, talking shit about a favorite son of the place, and expect no blow back?
certainly not an anon attitude.
all your fucks will find you, anon. and all the 'you' that you put in them all all just for you.
wait: that last line is rather hard.
more likely you're a paid guy to cause problems and you get compped by your boss who gives the bonuses and most of the time you . . . .
see I can make up stuff too.
the point: what you do shouldn't be a noose if you're just talking shit.
but you put out some hard bully vibe stuff.
and then you start 'fuck you' splaining?
that's a first.
once you say 'fuck you', there is no further explaning for most people.
unless you really meant it only mean-a-phorically?
'meanaphorically' is a fresh and newly made up word, just for you.
don't you feel special.
but you should so why am I mocking that?
in any case, ya, you get a D-.
you loose it when you start to explain why you said 'fuck you.'
> 78d86b
so you let it be known what you are.
mr provocator.
No one should attend to thisone's nonsense, it's only here to disturb.