Anonymous ID: f93dbf May 23, 2021, 4:51 a.m. No.13733738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3740 >>3953



I think what happened was that the pol elite, led by McConnell pub side, told Trump they would vote for impeachment if he DECLASed.


Same shit for the 2nd try, that time, if he revealed what they had for the election steal.


Trump would have had a hard row to hoe coming back as an "impeached' Pres, as far as dealing with normies and MSM gaslighting is concerned


Bottom line, then, best move was to get out of the line of fire in Dodge and go to covert action to make sure the pol elite is fucked up enough for the normies to want to do a Mussolini on their asses before Trump comes back in and straightens all the other shit out.


In that regard, I think it's going to happen. I said in a post last night, I think a 5th column of Trump guys is in place in congress. They surprised Cheney and jacked her ass, for example. My guess is Jim Jordan is "Hannibal" Smith, and Gaetz and MTG are walking point for him, drawing fire. Have to watch who goes after MTG and Gaetz.


I see MTG as a dialectic insert to neutralize AOC, so it might be that AOC and her squad are the tripwire that blows the pol elite shitshow up. Those four have the spectrum of bullshit pol correctness covered, that's for sure. Zero fucks given by the normies when their asses are gone.

Anonymous ID: f93dbf May 23, 2021, 5:02 a.m. No.13733771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3788 >>3798



My take. FL showed the algorithm wouldn't provide enough for Bidan to steal it.


Call went out for, "Other paths to 270", IOW, the dogwhistle to hustle up more paper ballots to scan in.


Machine vendor geeks lost control when dumb fucks in the battleground precincts overdid it. No longer any way to program in 2+2 = 4 in any believable way. We went from addition to math quants territory.


Cheaters then had to go to extreme measures to suppress the reporting of actual events. Big lie rolled out, with all the assets they had in place repeating it, often and loud.