Or so, so right…
One of my best friends, way back in High School, said the whole modern world is built upon “Pussy-Control.” He was one of those AP History Types. A born Anon. Now, he is a Hard-Core Leftist that works at fucking Yale. Limousine Liberals are the fuckin worst form of human life. Attacking the very society and systems that allowed their ancestors to become wealthy in the first place. White guilt is real and it’s a bullshit mental illness. Thank God I am from a working-class family and have no qualms about fighting for what I have earned.
Well Hot Damn! I may stay up and get drunk!
Not if Trump did the groundwork to restore the Republic prior to exiting the Office of President of the Corporation.
Yep. Capture the Flag Motha-fuckkas! 18.18.: time for Retaliation…