Next time you talk at a leftard tell them that the deal FDR cut with England and France was, in exchange for us saving them from Germany, they had to give up their colonies. Korea. Vietnam. Africa.
Germany, Italy and Japan lost their colonies.
Consider what this has cost the USA and what role our WW2 "allies", including China and soviet Russia played in the post-war Cold War, while we were trying to set up decent, virgin governments in former slave colonies, including Philipines and Cuba. The wealthy frog and limey plutocrats did not leave willingly.
In the 20th century the United States ended colonial slavery world wide. Let that sink in.
This is not the only configuration of the world order. It is the best we could do with all the evil motherfuckers in the world and inside our own government and military. They are still with us. Orwell told us what Hans and the slave owning class are bringing.
We are at war. This is for all the marbles. The only reason you aren't all dead already is that (((they))) are trying to extract, transfer and take all the machinery of the Industrial Age, all the valuable improvements, intact. Thank your God for the United States.
This is the Big Lie. End the UN. End the Fed. End the EU. Keep these thieving multinational criminal rackets from claiming legitimacy.