Anonymous ID: 1e669b SKY EVENT and WATCH THE WATER 1 of 2 May 11, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.1374986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Follow me here, Anon Patriots. This is important.


Remember there have been Q pics of the sky with "Just Waiting" and another post of "Watch the water" (#781 and #765 respectively), put together in one image here (pic attached):*q8Q9GpjuoRrJXTaM3utT7tY9q4dOGFvMIFCoQxs4zuO58hXdMqbf7MLwDCCa/photo322.jpg


Recently, Q has posted:

"Eyes in the SKY" (#864)

"SKY Event." (#1182)

"SKY EVENT." (#1328)

These seem to be escalating in emphasis, as if the "event" is coming closer.


Yesterday (May 10, 2018) in Q post #1335, there was the picture of the Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore, with the words,

"Marina Bay sands, Singapore.




The Marina Bay Sands hotel is important here because it is a potential location of the June 12th summit between Trump and Kim:

"Singapore confirmed as host of historic summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un on June 12"

"Possible summit locations in Singapore include Shangri-La Hotel, Marina Bay Sands and Sentosa."


Connecting Q, SKY EVENT, Kim Jong Un (North Korea), Trump. Note that Trump and Q group are bringing the TRUTH to the PEOPLE. This is part of that. Remember, truth is stranger than fiction, always. If you can believe satanists are/were scaring, torturing, and sacrificing children in order for them to drink the adrenochrome in their blood, you should be able to believe what is coming next. What could the SKY EVENT be? I do believe I know. Here we go.


Q post #744. Picture of Kim Jong Il and Bill Clinton, among others, sitting in front of a huge picture of ROUGH water. Could that be a picture of a tsunami? Brings us back to "Watch the water." That's where a tsunami would come from, obviously.


Q post #846. Picture of Kim Jong Un and others, in front of a picture of the sun over the water. For those of us with the eyes to see it, there are two distinct sun/light patterns coming down on the water…one from the sun, one from something that cannot also be the sun, and is not symmetrical. This pic makes it easier to see: (pic attached).

A second light source in the sky? Is this linked to "SKY EVENT"? 


What could be a SKY EVENT and also cause tsunamis? Is this what Q keeps referring to? Could this also be the cause of the insane weather and Earth changes worldwide lately? Let me pull together evidence of what I believe Q is trying to get one of us autists to help the PEOPLE to see.


[continued in next post]