The Vatican is run by Jesuits, who are cryptojews. Loyola and Weishaupt are all over this thread as nonjewish jesuits/illuminati when in fact they were well known conversos, meaning spanish jews who converted to catholicism or pretended to. Francis the first jesuit to become Pope is of course another cryptojew.
The CIA "Catholics in America" were only Jews pretending to be Catholics, just like many gangsters were Jews pretending to be Italian. You can find some reading on this at Unz Review (run by a jew) and maybe rense and I will look for some when I get the chance. for now I just wanted to give some counter point. This is a good idea for a thread if everybody doesn't say the same things.
If the Vatican ran the world, why are they being smeared as pedos constantly but the rabbi accusations never make it out of the jewish communities? If the Vatican runs the world, why would they let the (((western media )))bully Pope Benedict into stepping down, and replace him with a homo? The Vatican doesn't even run itself.