Anonymous ID: a461d1 June 4, 2021, 2:13 p.m. No.13830438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0474


Kamalanomics: Vice President Harris Outlines Her Vision Of Inclusive Entrepreneurship

FORBES Jun 1, 2021,06:30am EDT 17,530 views

Kamala Harris Contributor Leadership Vice President of the United States

The pandemic has prompted a surge in entrepreneurship, voluntary and involuntary. The United States’ first female, Black and Asian-American vice president shares her ideas in an exclusive essay for Forbes on how to leverage this moment to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to pursue the American Dream.

Guest post by Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States


Iwas in Oakland when the Loma Prieta earthquake hit in 1989, and brought a section of the Bay Bridge crashing down. Leaders then had a choice—to restore the bridge to how it was, or to reevaluate and strengthen its support system to withstand future shocks. They chose the latter.

As we emerge from the pandemic, our nation has the same choice to make — for our economy and for our businesses, specifically small businesses and start-ups.

The pandemic has exposed the flaws and the fissures in our economy. One in three small businesses have closed. Nearly two million women have been forced out of the workforce. And millions of families have struggled to buy groceries and cover rent.

In this moment, more than repair, we must reimagine. And after providing $60 billion in relief to small businesses, we must work to broaden access to capital and remove other barriers to success for entrepreneurs across the country.


First, capital. I recently met Lorena Cantarovici, the owner of an artisan empanada business in Colorado. She started her business, as so many do, in her own kitchen. When she sought out a loan to expand, the banks she approached told her she was, in their words, “not bankable.” Through hard work, she proved them wrong. Her business has since expanded to multiple locations, and she has employed many people.

This is a familiar story. Traditional banks and venture capital firms have not always seen the vision of women entrepreneurs and those of color. Community lenders, on the other hand, were founded to see that vision. Community lenders understand the value in providing access to capital in communities of color and low-income communities—and because they do, they add value to those communities and our country.


“For women entrepreneurs—and all entrepreneurs—the pandemic has highlighted the importance of our nation’s care infrastructure.”

Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States

When I was in the United States Senate, I worked to secure an additional $12 billion for community lenders. Now, we are working to build on that investment. Together, we must help every American entrepreneur get the capital they need to realize their vision.

There are other barriers to success. Danielle Romanetti owns a small yarn shop in Virginia. I visited with her and several of her employees a few months ago. They spoke about how hard it was, during the pandemic, for women business owners to go without childcare. Some have had to make deliveries to customers with children in the car. Others have had to bring their children to work.


For so many, care is the bridge to building a business. That is why, as we work to improve roads to transport goods, improve transit for consumers, and ensure affordable and accessible high-speed Internet, President Joe Biden and I are also working to ensure affordable and accessible child and family care.

In the face of the unimaginable, America’s entrepreneurs made the choice to reimagine their businesses. Stores — like Danielle’s — have had to quickly pivot online to retain customers, tapping into a demand likely here to stay. Restaurants — like Lorena’s — have had to create outdoor dining to do the same. Meanwhile, innovators of all types have created new products for the moment.

Today, our nation must reimagine our economy, so that every American entrepreneur can launch and grow an enterprise. It is in this reimagining that we will remain competitive—and come out of this pandemic stronger than before.

Anonymous ID: a461d1 June 4, 2021, 2:18 p.m. No.13830474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1901


WATCH: Vice President Kamala Harris Tells Mika Brzezinski ‘I Eat No for Breakfast’

By Colby Hall May 31st, 2021, 3:19 pm

This curious boast comes from a recent interview in which VP Harris joined Mika Brzezinski to discuss inclusive capitalism, gender equity and more in an exclusive interview see to air tomorrow, June 1, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. A portion of the segment aired Monday.


Liberal Media Shills Promote Awful ‘Kamalanomics’

Joseph Vazquez June 1st, 2021 1:02 PM

Forbes magazine has become a shill for President Joe Biden’s administration, and the liberal media are eating it up.

Forbes featured an image of Vice President Kamala Harris on the cover of its new 50-Over-50 '“inclusive capitalism'” issue promoting an essay she wrote for the magazine.

The headline of the essay reeked of liberal propaganda: “Kamalanomics: Vice President Harris Outlines Her Vision Of Inclusive Entrepreneurship.”


Former Trump spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany slams Forbes cover featuring Kamala Harris

John Bowden Tue, June 1, 2021, 5:05 PM


Kayleigh McEnany Criticizes Forbes For Featuring Post Of Kamala Harris

ByMd Shahnawaz-June 2, 2021