I wouldn't sniff that
Requesting Bubbles or the woman with the White Rabbit Q shirt bewbs to be my new handler please and thank you
What's she up to these days?
Ivanka is cool
You don't get it. I'll explain it later if we're still alive.
Gretchen is Q's bitch. The matching outfit patterns should have given that away
Me in the sombrero if I was mexican
BV also stands for bacterial vaginosis
Every fucking day
Don't project your horseshit onto me. I miss when you fucks would stay in the background. We had to deal with months and months of fake baker wars, now we get fake Bacteria Vaginosis and Animefag fighting? How fun. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING TITS
Get one ounce of power and watch it go to your head kek
Say Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior right now
Type out that you love Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you have accepted him into your heart. You just posted two blasphemous images
Happens literally every fucking time
Literally can't type out that you love Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior. Posts Jesus with a fucking gun. What the fuck
Yes, Jesus always stays in your heart and brings you back into the light. Jesus Christ is always your Lord and Savior, it's just your decision to accept that or not
I have never once IP hopped. Because I have no idea how. You are a lying rat that refused to acknowledge the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
How do we contact the BO to let him know a subverter is trying to control the board?
Are you an idiot? Jesus Christ is God. God is everything. Take another vaccine cunt
Look at this fucking chode. You're exposing yourself every post. Should have stayed in the shadows you dumb fuck
No wonder I ignored it. What do I do? I'm not used to tattling
No you really don't
I honest to God don't think Jesus would pick up a gun and shoot someone.
Phew, ebot is here. Put out this dumpster fire
Look I love Evil Dead but come on man
This bread just gave me AIDS. BV sperging and animefag just chilling. Upside down world
Dare I say, the Antichrist?
I try for she
>Jack Posobeic
All I want to know is if that is the appropriate use of a semicolon
I will always hate Jack Posobeic. Even if he was just pretending to be a cunt