So here goes the Slap Fight I suppose?
>It is when approved by BO.
I'll shut up when I hear it from BO
Until then this shit is suspect AF
you are so fucking stupid.
no really Dude, you are fucking dumb. Your screen shot is meaningless other than to prove every single one of my posts are organic and not even close to subversive. Just call me a kike and post a screenshot and everyone will see how almighty and powerful you are.Faggot
Keep going Bitch.
Everyone sees what you are.
Pathetic piece of shit.
Never going to get new bakers to sigh up when you pull this shit every fucking day.
Tranny Chasing Faggot
>crying over and over because Tranime is not allowed to bake any more.
See you're too fucking stupid to realize it has nothing to do with Tranime it has everything to do with your abuse of power and personal vendetta causing the board to suffer.
You are the fucking problem BV.
hes the type to snag the olive branch from your hand and smack you in the face with it.
Hes a good goy.