Bongino is always notable.
Fuck are you doing BV? Helping anime and the shills?
More like anyone who disrespects Trump and anons is a shill you doosh.
No one.
Here's my question. Bongino is close to Trump.
He's interviewing Trump on his radio show debut today
How the fuck does this not make notes once all day today?
Thanks Anon
Why is Bongino's Trump interview on his debut in Rush's radio spot not in notes at all today???
BV too busy butt fucking the shills and anime?
Bongino interviews Trump today on his debut in Rush's radio spot
BV too busy playing grab ass with anime and the shills to make this notable.
Not sure how it works with Rush's radio show, not sure there's an archive. That's why it should have been notable all weekend, any self respecting Anon knew this last week by Monday at least.
Instead we are circlejerking to BV and the jooo shills.
and still no notable on Bongino's interview with Trump on his debut in Rush's radio spot
Thanks animefag.
Bongino's Trump interview. Thanks anon, the assholes running this place don't want this in the notes.
He's doing the interview on his radio show debut in Rush's spot, I don't have a link to a radio broadcast retard.
Because Bongino has been talking about it for a couple of weeks, no need for Trump to self promote.