The Galactic Federation of Light is protecting Mother Earth all the time from any big catastrophic events. Our ships are patrolling your skies and your world 24/7, and Ashtar is receiving nonstop military intelligence on any activity by the Dark Forces. Like, the cold weather in Texas and in other states was created by a hidden technology from another planet, which was destroyed by our fleet after we discovered it.
Now, we are coming to the end of our assignment and waiting for reunion, landing and we are ready to help you build a new society here. The Collective Consciousness keeps expanding daily more and more people are getting awake and starting to ask questions about their governments and media, they are trying to find the truth between the illusions and secrets.
I am very happy that the veil is getting thinner with each passing day, and the truth will come soon with a full force to the masses. In the future your governments will disappear and will be replaced by small groups, who are going to genuinely care about you, lead and represent only your best interest without expecting anything in return. That is called real freedom expressing Love and Light to each other with no strings attached.
Love genuinely each other and express gratitude daily, by being kind to each other and forgive everyone. Practice this everyday and you are going to be surprised how blessed your life is going to become. You don't need to wait until real changes come to your world, you have the power now to transform your own life.
Please, remember I am always here to support you and keep you safe from any dangers that come your way. We Are All One. I am pleased to be here today and share with all of you my wisdom. Stay in the Light and break all of the detachments from this 3D Matrix. Thank you.
Prime Creator