Anonymous ID: 1eba44 May 24, 2021, 11:03 p.m. No.13748223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Whistleblower Leaks Details of Users Being Ranked and Suppressed Based on “Vaccine Hesitancy” Algorithm

May 24, 2021 | Sundance |


Project Veritas has revealed some explosive information provided by two Facebook whistleblowers. According to documents and testimony by the insiders, Facebook initiated a program to control the speech of users who were expressing “vaccine hesitancy”, or concerns about the COVID vaccine. Anyone who was concerned about the vaccine was given a “vaccine hesitancy ” score. Unbeknownst to the user, that score was then used to ban, remove or shadow-ban the content.


In essence any speech, sharing of information or comment discussion that is not in alignment with the pro-vaccine narrative is considered adverse to the interests of the Facebook platform. Those users are then targeted to suppress their voice.


(Project Veritas) – […] The company has set up a tier system to rank comments on various scales, based on how much the statement questions or cautions against the Covid-19 vaccination.

Tier 2, for instance, represents “Indirect Discouragement” of getting vaccinated and according to PV’s sources, user comments such as these would be heavily “suppressed.”

It doesn’t matter if the comments are true, factual or represent reality. The comment is demoted, buried and hidden from view of the public if it clashes with this system.


“It doesn’t match the narrative,” one insider explained. “The narrative being, get the vaccine, the vaccine is good for you. Everyone should get it. And if you don’t, you will be singled out,”

One of the insiders, a Data Center Technician, leaked multiple internal documents detailing an algorithm test being run on 1.5 percent of Facebook and Instagram’s nearly 3.8 billion users worldwide.

The goal? To, “drastically reduce user exposure to vaccine hesitancy (VH) in comments.”