true but most of us just want to be left alone to live freely and not tell others how to live their lives…. therein lies the rub… the other side gets off on telling others what to do….
pretty sure this whole country is which is what scared the shit out of the DS when Trump won…. they didn't realize that most people are sick of a few cities vote fixing and controlling the US … which is why they went bonkers fixing 2020…
hoping that is as fake as the covid numbers…playing on the herd mentality, I don't want to be shunned etc … but judging from the covidiots I see still wearing masks driving alone, I fear it could be true…..
kek, I do make a great adrenochrome martini served in a chilled cocaine rimmed glass….
teachers are promoting it too…. my 9 year old niece recently 'came out as a lesbian'… I said [holy shit!] where did you learn that? she replied 'I learned it in school'
probably promoted for this…
based idea