Remember..the worst fate for these people is to be ignored. He’s a has-been. Ignore him. I don’t even read these articles anymore.
Parents of kids who are in schools with the masks..find out when the next board meeting is, grab at least one friend and go make yourself be heard. I don’t have kids but went last month to voice my opinion as did others, politely and it worked. They got rid of the rule.. it’s now optional.
We have to think and not just think, but act, LOCAL.
This is a dangerous game they’re playing.
District Judge Travis Kitchens
Hmm Nothing really out of the ordinary but he seems dangerous. I’ll take your word for it!
They are really loud! I remember them in DC years back. Lately I’ve been seeing tons of news stories about eating them. Cicada pizza and chocolate covered? More eat the bugs shit.
Unrelated - I found a text only news aggregator.