bannedbaker here…still looking at the ban page for my desktop IP, and it still says "Shill baker 'truncated' the bread". (pic related)
This was my second ban, the first of which was for being a "spambot_r" (pic also related).
Both of these statements are patently false, and I would appreciate this ban being lifted at your earliest convenience…screenshot of my original memes and breads folder is attached, also…and bear in mind that I deleted about 30 QR header images (you'll see the gaps in the bread numbers if you care to look.
I challenge anyone and everyone to point out where I "truncated" anything…I did bake a bread entitled "The Truncated Thread Edition", but that was in response to the previous bread going from 751 to 432. I do admit to the occasional shitpost, but no more so than some of the worser shitposters.
But I digress…
If lifting the ban is a problem due to my IP being "spoofed" or whatever (again, don't toetally know what that means), fine…but know there's (probably) an operator-assisted (((shillbot))) still shitting up every bread with 20+ (40?) posts.
Either way, I'm still going to post my comments and (hopefully dank) memes when I have something to contribute, I just have to phonefag or coffee-shop to do it. (oh noes, 1st world problems. kek!).
FWIW, I realize y'all have a full plate, and are doing your best. If I'm caught in the virtual cross-fire, well, that's just how it goes. KEK!
So, with that said…
==eat shit, (((shills)))