He's a gatekeeper.
Here's the proof:
go easy on that shit anon, zog beer will give you manboobs, it's just science:
It must infuriate (((you))) that (((THIS))) feature is built-in to the board. The board's #jwoke, and there's no going back to sleep. Shill harder.
lol rekt.
That's scary. At the rate Q moves they might have a sequel out.
We're God's Chosen Peopleโข, but it's the WHITES who are supremacists!
Q started going down that road but had to pull back to prevent the conspiracy label. Blue pilled normies like yourself aren't ready for it. You need to come to grips with it on your own. All the facts are out there. Plenty of evidence. Lots of brainwashing that keeps you from it.
No JIDF, telling people who to filter and tone policing in general gets you the filter.
>It's not us God's Chosen, it's you goyim supremacists!