A summary of problems identified by the New Hampshire audit..
A summary of problems identified by the New Hampshire audit..
They did EVERYTHING they could to muddy up the crime scene to obscure the major methodologies used to sabotage and hijack the 2020 election processes.
We have yet to learn how many “volunteers” were directly paid by third parties to infiltrate the election facilities and conduct mayhem at the direction of infiltrated or corrupted handlers.
At the precinct levels there were paid operatives and highly organized institutional, corporate and quasi institutional/corporate influencers and activists engaged in corruptive/disruptive active measures for hire, often by third parties.
It seems the goal was to create a perfect storm of infiltration, corruption, overwhelming and subterfuge. Money changed hands. Then there is the matter of indolent officials, incompetent processes and stupid people stupidly supervised amidst the highly paid and highly skilled infiltrators/contractors. Then you have the union thugs and the organized crime embodied in machine politics and the familiar local racketeering relationship, some more social than monetary.
Keep your powder dry. The forensics will shake out in unimpeachable ways. The forensic computer auditors will break it down and bust it all out into the light of day.
The elephant in the room? Foreign money, corporate money, corporate resources and directed corporate resources meant to infiltrate and corrupt a national election by individuals cloaked in institutional protections and privileges, persons who could NOT cast a lawful vote; persons who could not cast more than one lawful vote; persons who could not lawfully erase, delete, deface, obfuscate, deny or refuse to count the vote of any other lawfully registered American person who directly cast their personal vote.
The scandal is we are surrounded by government employed fiduciaries, officers and managers who are fundamentally not competent to protect the public interest, the public commons or the public citizen in our modern era. Pension-seeking Pollyanna’s dominate our government institutions and play endless games of Pee Wee Herman search for truth by hiring guests to come perform in episodes televised episodes of their political career.
My grandfather said lawyering was an essential skill that required great talent and personal discipline. He also said that Law School was the worst education a person could get, as they learned little to nothing about technology, the physical sciences, engineering or the great thinkers of human history.
We are STUCK with government and schools saturated with lawyers, managers, officials and sycophants who know nothing about those things. Their leadership culture is hollow to the core. Our leadership culture is hollow to the core. It’s a crisis across the governments, institutions, boardrooms and foundations of our modern era. Don’t forget the EU, WHO, UN and the rest of the usual suspects.
These voting machines were developed to create a permanent incested government caste running the institutions of the emerging modern world. So the next wave of Imperial families can take over the family business — our governments. This is what the Pelosi’s, Cheney’s, Bush’s, Schumers, Clintons, Trudeau, etc., this is what it’s all about. That’s what the Vindmans and Solemans, Bidens and Murkowskis are all about.
One friend called this a Polygarchy. Someone has to fund, create and operate the new global caste system.
Think this is about crooked Democrats and a crooked election? Good start. Time to steel yourself for a much deeper look into a much darker and far more threatening situation.
A reckoning is coming.
The ruling class caste is powerful, corrupt, and growing more incompetent with every generation. You know they are desperate when they resort to blatant fraud.
I’m not sure how long this has been going on, but I suspect well over a century.
It’s obvious this isn’t the first time the BHO democrats stole an election. There was a reason the Obama and the democrats shut down Hillary Clinton after MAGA overwhelmed their fraud in November 2016. I also suspect Jill Stein was told in no uncertain terms, and probably with some added benefits, to drop the demands for a recount in Michigan. They were protecting the fraud methods, organization, and all the dirty money they used in 2012 to drag BHO across the finish line. They would all be exposed, and they needed to protect the methods to retake Congress in 2018 and the presidency in 2020 and protect themselves.
The 2020 MAGA again exceeded their expectations, so they resorted to industrial scale election fraud that could not be hidden for long. The level of propaganda and gaslighting is breathtaking, but it’s losing its effectiveness. It really is amazing to watch the massive coordination across the globe in media, government, academia, et al. It reminds me of the scenes from the movie Rollerball where the representatives of the corporations conduct policy.
Soon the” bloom is off the ruse”. I know many liberal people, and I doubt even one of them would agree with fake election and having others assign votes to candidates. I may disagree with them on policy, but not one of us would accept this. Sadly, most think the election was honest and fair. I pray this fraud keeps being exposed so even the dimmest can see how corrupt the ruling class is and the damage they are doing to our civilization.
I love the “aliens” crap they are spraying. It telegraphs that they don’t know who they are trying to distract.
It tells you that they have convinced themselves that they are an “intellectual elite” and believe everyone calling out the obvious 2020 electoral fraud must be a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. (And therefore tripe about UFOs will distract them).
Old rule: if you don’t know who you are fighting, you can’t win.
They tried this with their Gorebull Warbling hoax. Branding AGW sceptics as “moon landing hoax conspiracy believers”. Which backfired because so many prominent people from the Apollo program were open AGW sceptics.
This is the arrogance of the self styled “intellectual elite”. They thought that if they couldn’t understand radiative physics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, there was no way AGW sceptics could.
It is heartening to read the comments here on the thread dealing with the vile scum of the MCBoS trying to delete the directory on the EMS primary computer in violation of subpoena. So many commentators knew that the delete command would leave the files intact, especially if the machine was shut down immediately afterwards. Does that sound like people who would be distracted by garbage about “aliens”?
Let them waste their propaganda efforts on their “aliens”. It will yield them little.
The Antrim county forensic audit found a 68.05% error rate.
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The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication.
Over-under on AZ is 65.5% -110.
I have a feeling that the cheating has been going on forever in the Blue Commie states.
Look at NY where the majority of counties are Red yet elections are controlled entirely by the downstate Dems.
Those machines are never audited.
Our President Trump is right- where are the useless Repubs? Busy counting their money no doubt.
And the beat goes on.