I'm sure many are at least vaguely aware of this, but for those that are not, here are a few interesting links I found while digging on CERN, specifically regarding their symbolic occultism. Not sure exactly what is going on there (I have my suspicions, but that's beside the point). At the very least, I can say that I know occultism when I see it, and this fits the description. Check it out if you are interested, I know this isn't the most up-to-date dig on the board, but hopefully it contributes to the collective knowledge of QR Patriots in some small way.
"'CERN Is Seeking Secrets of the Universe, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell: '"
"'The Absolutely Insane Performance That Marked the Opening of the World’s Longest Rail Tunnel: '"
"'Sound The Alphorns: World's Longest, Deepest Tunnel Is Officially Open'":
"'Fake human sacrifice filmed at CERN'"
"'Spokeswoman at high temple of particle physics suggests ‘scientific users’ of the Geneva facility ‘let their humour go too far’ with staging of occult rite'"