Thank you, baker!
This is something interesting to report:
I don't know how many of you are on Telegram, but I'd been following @HSRetoucherQ since he started the channel a few months ago, soon as he announced the new channel on Gab as HSRetoucher, even changing his name on Telegram to JFKJrIsQ. Never was totally convinced of his claims to be JFK Jr, especially with the claims to be Q (no outside comms), nonetheless I thought I'd monitor his channel on Telegram, and before he started that channel, he even upvoted some of my comments on Gab; we even established a sort of rapport.
Well here lately, he started going full-flat-erf, which showed as a big red flag, and even started posting things suggesting that even JFK Sr. is still alive; emmmmkay, yyyyeah.
Well this morning, he posted something reporting that a NASA scientist discovered what could be an alternate universe in which time runs backwards; this seems to ring true, since we all know that due to quantum physics, alternate universes and timelines are not only inevitable, but unavoidable. What do most of his commenters have to say about this? Basically, "Awww, BS! Frikkin NASA" So I commented something to the effect of, hey, wait a minute: We all believe that JQHN and his dad are still alive, and believe in parallel universes and timelines; yet when somebody comes out with a theory supporting this possibility, you all dismiss it out of hand right away without a thought, just because it's NASA: this is how the psyop works.
Also, somebody in another thread couldn't fathom how they got that bulky lunar buggy on the lunar module, based on how it could barely hold two men, I pointed out that I watched them unfold the lunar rover from the LEM stowage area on the live TV feed.
So guess what: not more than an hour ago, after spending most of the day re-watching the Matrix trilogy, I spend the few minutes that I had to spare before picking WifeAnon up from work, to check my Telegram feed; I try to make a comment or two on some @HSRetoucherQ threads, only to find out that I'd been booted from the chat group!!!
So this should really be the biggest tell that I've had so far that JFKJr and his dad are indeed, completely, and totally dead; I had never totally swallowed that red pill, but played along with a wait and see attitude, because, well, anything can be possible ;)
So I guess this is my mea culpa for following the guy in the first place (be careful who you follow)