Good grief, Tranime.
Good grief, Tranime.
Tranime posted a dick pic today.
Do you think that one was gonna top it?
That fucking Tranime is using up routines left-n-right what an asshole.
Tranime has the shills just as pissed off as Anons are at him.
Fake Ferddy and now GoreFag.
That might be a QResearch first.
QR2021: Where even the shills claim oldfag status.
kek hoisted by my own petard guilty!
>how do u suppose that could be proven anon
Rusty saying it somewhere and offering proof.
Did that ever happen?
If no then maybe he is maybe he isn't.
Tranime is hyper and when not in character is prolly LARPing as something or another tho.
>i think he sometimes posted here w/RBS meme
Yeah, that one hasn't been around much lately.
Seemed like a couple Anons were using it at times tho.
Because a couple times I remember thinking was that the same guy?
kek smells like teen spirit to me, too
If really you then o7.
Going by Rusty like an Anon upstream said isn't extremely unique so maybe coincidences do happen sometimes.
Now if you both went by eoufheuhksldv as a name then full on spoopy rules apply.
Hmmmm, if given a do or die choice prolly going with the bugs even tho I love the special sauce.
Now that she's already loaded up her Caymans Acct time to bring the hammer down and end that shit.
Or, it's full of the usual Liz exemptions and govt slush funds for the Dims so really it's just a clickbait headline.
>OK will bake
Please tag the Dough saying you're assuming Kitchen duties.
That way if there's any fuckery Anons can use that post to know your Fresh is legit.