Search results on Spike Proteins - Justia Patents
More pics - sauce in 1/2 above
Like I said, just Anon and asking for help understanding this.
No panic here. Found similar info (but much more of it) on NIH website but it got gone before I could archive. Nothing to see here, right?
Actually, better than half of the ones in the caps say patent.
I actually thank you for your input because I can stop looking into the patents now. I can stop investigating the inventors, the assignees, the applicants and anything else about spike proteins. What a relief.
Gone. I had searched "All Inventions from Spike Proteins + NIH". There were better than 50 pages from what I could tell. No last page option. It was late and could no longer see screen, had to go to bed. Could not find it again today.
I know I screwed up.
Really creepy, when stuff disappears from my computer. Creepier, when stuff archived with my computer can not be opened with my computer.
>most of the publications were from over a decade ago.
Which proves that Spike Proteins have been in our future for a long time.
Got 184 results for Spike Proteins but not sure it will be helpful.