HEH…bro….is it you? My fellow thinker? KEK Poor Wayne hasn't gotten a single thing right….not even one…I personally think Trump keeps telling supporters to get vaxxed to thin the herd of the retards that live and breath shit like Wayne and the alien kitty fucker Simon…or Mi6 op Charlie Ward!
Bullshit. Gatekeepers are never banned.
>False Profit
come on someone make a mp4 out of Mohammad Ali's interview where he speaks out strongly against race-mixing.
FYI…he's NOT human. You guys need to learn to spot them.
>I don't attempt to censor speech
not here you don't...here you're just supposed to herd, distract, act as a caustic agent...but you most certainly ban/delete on other boards. NO ONE spends as much time on a message board as you do....and you don't do it for free.
The tranny act is a big over the top.
Did you listen to the interview? NOT relevant? He's a idol. This part of the interview has largerly been scrubbed…and the interviewer was spitting nails to shut him up…even bavck then!
Robins go with robins, bluebirds go with bluebirds….it's good!
>her and aflb
KEK….."her"….they work in shifts and one of them is always on duty. ALWAYS. When needed they IP hop…agitate…push…they are NOT organic.
/poltard ran the numbers off of VAERS and has discovered the reactions aqre related to batch numbers. Some won't get hit at all and others won't get hit until their second dose. They didn't roll this out all at once. That way the people with no reactions and to whom magnets didn't stick would continue to shill for the vaxx and cast doubt on the reactions.