🚨 Folks, if all the Fraudulent Votes in every state were uncovered. I personally feel that we would have retaken the House, have a super Majority in the Senate, and Trump would have been re-elected in a Historic Landslide Victory.
As States like Arizona, and GA take the first steps to break the narrative on this. More states will follow suit. Precedence will be set. But they only will if you DEMAND IT.
Make sure you get involved. Email or Call your state and Local reps. And demand transparency, DEMAND Audits. Tell them you will not vote for them or donate a dime until the truth comes out. Deny them the SILENT OBEDIENCE you have given them all your lives.
These People Work for you. Our choice was stolen from us. TAKE IT BACK, or forever hold your silence, and tell your Children and Grandchildren that you had a chance to make a difference, but you chose to sit on your butt and wait for others to do it for you.
Use this portal below to find out who your State reps are. I have already done this. I will be able to tell my Children I did my part to make a difference. We all have a part to play in this. It is the Greatest and Most Important fight of our lives, of our Country, and the History of the World. Will you be able to say that you did your part? Be a part of this Historic moment. It will be remembered for all ages.